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Paola Trabalzini is Associate Professor of History of Pedagogy at LUMSA in Rome, where she has been teaching since 2014; in 2018 she qualified as a full professor. She graduated in Philosophy at Sapienza of Rome and from 2001 to 2009 she was contract Professor of Aspects of education history in the Education and Training Sciences Degree Course at Sapienza.
Since 2022 Chair and Coordinator of the Editorial Board of the Atlas Montessori, an open access digital portal, a tool for research, study and international scientific collaboration: Since October 2021 President of the Interclass Master's Degree Course in Management of socio-educational, training services and Media Education services (LM 50/LM 93).
Since 2019 Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Association of Pedagogues (ANPE); Since 2019 Coordinator of the LUMSA Research Unit of the PRIN 2017 "Maria Montessori between past and present". Since 2017 Member of the Scientific Committee for the series "Mind and Society" published by Fefè Editore; Member of the Board of the ONM.
Since 2003 to 2010 she has been a member of the Montessori Higher Institute of Research and Training of ONM and since 2013 a member of the Study Centre Augusto Scocchera. Since 2012 she is member of the Scientific Committee of the Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii I Praktyce magazine of the Institute of Educational Sciences, Jesuit University Ignatianum of Cracow. Since 2011 to 2021 Member of the Editorial Board of “Communications. Journal of the Association Montessori Internationale” then whit the title "AMI Journal”. Since 2007 of the “Montessori Research Europe” (MoRE); dal 2005 of the Editorial Board and Scientific Committee of “Vita dell’infanzia”.
She has focused her research work, in particular, on the in-depth analysis of Montessorian thinking and pedagogy in the historical-philological, anthropological and didactic fields as well as in family education, inclusion, education for peace and Early Childhood Education and Care. It is in this context that the research project having a philological and educational-historical character, has to be placed. It regards the comparative study of the five editions of “Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini” concluded with the publication of the “Edizione Critica” which was edited by Paola Trabalzini.
In 2001, she received a Special Jury Mention in the 'Salvatore Valitutti' International Prize as editor of the Critical Edition of 'The Method of Scientific Pedagogy'.
From 1999 to 2014 she worked at the Opera Nazionale Montessori (ONM) in Rome devoting herself to cultural activities, to training courses (both as Director and lecturer), to the counselling of library users, to the editorial sector and to the editing activity of “Vita dell’infanzia” magazine.