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Ribosomes, RNA helicases, molecular machines, fluorescence spectroscopy, single molecule FRET, kinetics, molecular dynamics, TIRF microscopy


Works (17)

Conformational dynamics of the RNA binding channel regulates loading and translocation of the DEAH-box helicase Prp43

Nucleic Acids Research
2023-07-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Marieke Enders; Ralf Ficner; Sarah Adio
Source: check_circle

Regulation of the DEAH/RHA helicase Prp43 by the G-patch factor Pfa1

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2022-11-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Marieke Enders; Ralf Ficner; Sarah Adio
Source: check_circle

Altered tRNA dynamics during translocation on slippery mRNA as determinant of spontaneous ribosome frameshifting

Nature Communications
2022-07-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Panagiotis Poulis; Anoshi Patel; Marina V. Rodnina; Sarah Adio
Source: check_circle

Conformational rearrangements upon start codon recognition in human 48S translation initiation complex

Nucleic Acids Research
2022-05-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Sung-Hui Yi; Valentyn Petrychenko; Jan Erik Schliep; Akanksha Goyal; Andreas Linden; Ashwin Chari; Henning Urlaub; Holger Stark; Marina V Rodnina; Sarah Adio et al.
Source: check_circle

Altered tRNA dynamics during translocation on slippery mRNA as determinant of spontaneous ribosome frameshifting

2022-01-31 | Preprint
Contributors: Panagiotis Poulis; Anoshi Patel; Marina Rodnina; Sarah Adio
Source: check_circle

Conformational rearrangements upon start codon recognition in human 48S translation initiation complex

2021-12-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Sung-Hui Yi; Valentyn Petrychenko; Jan Erik Schliep; Akanksha Goyal; Andreas Linden; Ashwin Chari; Henning Urlaub; Holger Stark; Marina Rodnina; Sarah Adio et al.
Source: check_circle

Dynamics of ribosomes and release factors during translation termination in E. coli.

2018-06-11 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Adio

Kinetics of Spontaneous and EF-G-Accelerated Rotation of Ribosomal Subunits.

Cell reports
2016-08-11 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Adio

Fluctuations between multiple EF-G-induced chimeric tRNA states during translocation on the ribosome.

Nature communications
2015-06-15 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Adio

Properties of the kinesin-3 NcKin3 motor domain and implications for neck function.

The FEBS journal
2009-05-28 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Adio

Dissection of kinesin's processivity.

PloS one
2009-02-26 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Adio

The human kinesin Kif18A is a motile microtubule depolymerase essential for chromosome congression.

Current biology : CB
2007-03-08 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Adio

Kinetic and mechanistic basis of the nonprocessive Kinesin-3 motor NcKin3.

The Journal of biological chemistry
2006-10-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Adio

Peptide bond formation does not involve acid-base catalysis by ribosomal residues.

Nature structural & molecular biology
2006-04-30 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Adio

Review: regulation mechanisms of Kinesin-1.

Journal of muscle research and cell motility
2006-02-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Adio

The G2447A mutation does not affect ionization of a ribosomal group taking part in peptide bond formation.

RNA (New York, N.Y.)
2003-08-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Adio

A study of mitochondrial DNA mutations in peripheral lymphocytes in an aging cohort.

Biochemical Society transactions
2003-04-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Sarah Adio

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Nature structural & molecular biology. (1)