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Employment (1)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: Livermore, CA, US

Source: Self-asserted source
Howard Scott

Works (10)

Understanding the deficiency in inertial confinement fusion hohlraum x-ray flux predictions using experiments at the National Ignition Facility

Physical Review E
2024-07-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Hui Chen; D. T. Woods; W. A. Farmer; N. A. Aybar; D. A. Liedahl; S. A. MacLaren; M. B. Schneider; H. A. Scott; D. E. Hinkel; O. L. Landen et al.
Source: check_circle

Radiation transfer in the spectra of short-pulse laser-heated targets

Physics of Plasmas
2024-04-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Richard A. London; Howard A. Scott; Madison E. Martin
Source: check_circle

Decreasing ultrafast x-ray pulse durations with saturable absorption and resonant transitions

Physical Review E
2023-01-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Sebastian Cardoch; Fabian Trost; Howard A. Scott; Henry N. Chapman; Carl Caleman; Nicusor Timneanu
Source: check_circle

The development of a high-resolution Eulerian radiation-hydrodynamics simulation capability for laser-driven Hohlraums

Physics of Plasmas
2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Brian M. Haines; D. E. Keller; K. P. Long; M. D. McKay, Jr.; Z. J. Medin; H. Park; R. M. Rauenzahn; H. A. Scott; K. S. Anderson; T. J. B. Collins et al.
Source: check_circle

Using tabulated NLTE data for Hohlraum simulations

Physics of Plasmas
2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: H. A. Scott; J. A. Harte; M. E. Foord; D. T. Woods
Source: check_circle

The bands method for tabulating NLTE material properties

High Energy Density Physics
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Yechiel Frank; Howard A. Scott
Source: check_circle

Modeling of deuterium and carbon radiation transport in MAST-U tokamak advanced divertors

Nuclear Fusion
2022-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: V.A. Soukhanovskii; A.I. Khrabry; H.A. Scott; T.D. Rognlien; D. Moulton; J.R. Harrison
Source: check_circle

Evidence of restricted heat transport in National Ignition Facility Hohlraums

Physics of Plasmas
2020-10 | Journal article
Contributors: N. B. Meezan; D. T. Woods; N. Izumi; H. Chen; H. A. Scott; M. B. Schneider; D. A. Liedahl; O. S. Jones; G. B. Zimmerman; J. D. Moody et al.
Source: check_circle

Deep learning for NLTE spectral opacities

Physics of Plasmas
2020-05 | Journal article
Contributors: G. Kluth; K. D. Humbird; B. K. Spears; J. L. Peterson; H. A. Scott; M. V. Patel; J. Koning; M. Marinak; L. Divol; C. V. Young
Source: check_circle

Measurements of pressure-induced Kβ line shifts in ramp compressed cobalt up to 8 Mbar

Physical Review E
2020-02-14 | Journal article
Contributors: S. Jiang; A. E. Lazicki; S. B. Hansen; P. A. Sterne; P. Grabowski; R. Shepherd; H. A. Scott; R. F. Smith; J. H. Eggert; Y. Ping
Source: check_circle