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Works (5)

Surge Tank Stability under Distributed Parameters

2022-10-19 | Conference paper
Contributors: Daniela Danciu; Dan Popescu; Vladimir Rasvan
Source: check_circle

Experimenting With Digital Signatures Over a DNP3 Protocol in a Multitenant Cloud-Based SCADA Architecture

IEEE Access
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Marius Marian; Adelin Cusman; Florin Stinga; Dragos Ionica; Dan Popescu
Source: check_circle

Control of a Time Delay System Arising From Linearized Conservation Laws

IEEE Access
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniela Danciu; Dan Popescu; Vladimir Rasvan
Source: check_circle

Modeling and Control of the Orthogonalization Plants in Textile Industry

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
2019-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Constantin Marin; Dan Popescu; Emil Petre; Dan Selisteanu
Source: check_circle

Neural Networks-Based Computational Modeling of Bilinear Control Systems for Conservation Laws: Application to the Control of Cogeneration

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
2018-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniela Danciu; Dan Popescu; Eugen Bobasu
Source: check_circle