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Employment (1)

GL Bajaj Institute of Management and Research: Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, IN

2014-08-11 to present | Assistant Professor (Management)
Source: Self-asserted source
Narendra Singh

Works (12)

Navigating the Data Science Frontier

2024-07-12 | Book chapter
Contributors: Pushpa Singh; Narendra Singh; Rajnesh Singh; Ruchi Gupta; Monika Arora
Source: check_circle

Prospects of Machine Learning With Blockchain in Healthcare and Agriculture

2023-12-29 | Book chapter
Contributors: Pushpa Singh; Narendra Singh; Ganesh Chandra Deka
Source: check_circle

Role of Data Mining Techniques in Bioinformatics

2023-12-29 | Book chapter
Contributors: Pushpa Singh; Narendra Singh
Source: check_circle

IoT and AI-based Intelligent Agriculture Framework for Crop Prediction

International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control
2023-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Pushpa Singh; Murari Kumar Singh; Narendra Singh; Ashish Chakraverti
Source: check_circle

Role of Blockchain Technology in 6G Network Management

2023-02-24 | Book chapter
Contributors: Murari Kumar Singh; Pushpa Singh; Narendra Singh; Vinay Kumar
Source: check_circle

E-Adoption of Emerging Technology in the Health Sector During COVID-19

International Journal of E-Adoption
2022-09-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Vidushi Mishra; Narendra Singh; Manisha Agarwal; Ajay Kumar Shrivastava
Source: check_circle

Exploring CNN for Driver Drowsiness Detection Towards Smart Vehicle Development

2022-09-23 | Book chapter
Contributors: Pushpa Singh; Raghav Sharma; Yash Tomar; Vivek Kumar; Narendra Singh
Source: check_circle

Blockchain With IoT and AI

2022-07-08 | Book chapter
Contributors: Pushpa Singh; Narendra Singh
Source: check_circle

Prospects of Machine Learning With Blockchain in Healthcare and Agriculture

2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Pushpa Singh; Narendra Singh; Ganesh Chandra Deka
Source: check_circle

Role of Data Mining Techniques in Bioinformatics

International Journal of Applied Research in Bioinformatics
2021-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Pushpa Singh; Narendra Singh
Source: check_circle

An inclusive survey on machine learning for CRM: a paradigm shift

2020-12-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Narendra Singh; Pushpa Singh; Mukul Gupta
Source: check_circle

Blockchain With IoT and AI

International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation
2020-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Pushpa Singh; Narendra Singh
Source: check_circle