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Mariann Pavone-Gyöngyösi was born in Kecskemet, Hungary, Austrian citizen since 2002. Education (physician, professor in internal medicine and cardiology) at the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Szeged, Hungary. Ph.D. in 1995. Habilitation at the Medical University of Vienna (Cardiology) in 2002. Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology 2006. Postdoctoral Fellowships: Hungarian Eötvös Fellowship, Tempus Individual Mobility Grant, Pfeiffer Fellowship at the Medical Univ. of Vienna, Dept. Cardiology, INSERM Fellowship, INSERM U-99, Creteil, France, Training and Research Fellowship of the European Society of Cardiology, Medical Univ. of Vienna. Present position: professor at the Dept. Cardiology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria, leader of the postgraduate education of the Dept. Cardiology MUW, leader of the Translational Experimental Cardiology Laboratory, vice president of the Experimental Working Group of the Austrian Society of Cardiology, nucleus member of the ESC Working Group of the Cell Biology of the Heart; and member of the EU-CARDIOPROTECTION and CardioRNA EU COST organizations. Most important awards: Pfeiffer-Competition Austria, 1. Prize, Austrian Society of Cardiology 1. Prize (3 times), Billroth Prize of the Österreichisches Ärztekammer, Werner-Klein Prize. Most important grants: LifeValve, Fibro-targets, Science, ReGenHeart, CresPace EU projects, numerous unrestricted research grants and contracts for experimental invasive cardiology projects. Research and clinical interest: ischemic heart disease, interventional cardiology, cell- and gene-based therapy, heart failure, cardiotoxicity, H-index: 39, Original papers (per reviewed): 226 (188 in PubMed), impact factor >1100, citation 5103 (April 2021).