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Works (6)

Deteriorating care home residents as ‘matter out of place’ in both care homes and hospitals: An ethnographic study

Social Science & Medicine
2025-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Fawn Harrad-Hyde; Chris Williams; Natalie Armstrong
Source: check_circle

Care home quality and ‘inappropriate’ emergency healthcare use—failing to engage with complexity

Age and Ageing
2025-02-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Fawn Harrad-Hyde; Jennifer Kirsty Burton
Source: check_circle

Could Peer‐Mentors Support Families of Care Home Residents to Prepare for Deterioration and End‐of‐Life? An Interview Study with Families and Care Home Staff

Health & Social Care in the Community
2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Fawn Harrad-Hyde; Gwyneth Jones; Shona Agarwal; Christina Faull; Linda Birt; Kathiravan Srinivasan
Source: check_circle

Hospital transfers from care homes: conceptualising staff decision-making as a form of risk work

Health, Risk & Society
2022-11-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Fawn Harrad-Hyde; Chris Williams; Natalie Armstrong
Source: check_circle

‘Weighing up risks’: a model of care home staff decision-making about potential resident hospital transfers

Age and Ageing
2022-07-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Fawn Harrad-Hyde; Natalie Armstrong; Christopher D Williams
Source: check_circle

Using advance and emergency care plans during transfer decisions: A grounded theory interview study with care home staff

Palliative Medicine
2022-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Fawn Harrad-Hyde; Natalie Armstrong; Chris Williams
Source: check_circle