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Radiology, Neuroradiology, Informatics, Neuropharmacology, Artificial Intelligence, Imaging Informatics
United States, Spain


NeuroRadiologist & Clinical Informaticist
生田 一郎 || 放射線科忍者


Employment (7)

Mayo Clinic Arizona: Phoenix, Arizona, US

2022-07-18 to present | Senior Associate Consultant (Radiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Yale School of Medicine: New Haven, CT, US

2018-07-01 to 2022-06-30 | Assistant Professor (Radiology & Biomedical Imaging)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Yale University School of Medicine: New Haven, CT, US

2017-10-01 to 2018-06-30 | Clinical Instructor (Radiology & Biomedical Imaging)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Yale-New Haven Hospital: New Haven, CT, US

2016-07-01 to 2017-09-30 | Neuroradiology Fellow, Chief Fellow (Radiology & Biomedical Imaging)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Norwalk Hospital (Yale Affiliate): Norwalk, CT, US

2012-07 to 2016-06-30 | Radiology Resident, Chief Resident (Radiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Brigham and Women's Hospital (Harvard Affiliate): Boston, MA, US

2010-07-01 to 2012-06-30 | Imaging Informatics Fellow, NIH/NLM Biomedical Informatics Post-Doctoral Fellow (Radiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Bassett Medical Center (Columbia Affiliate): Cooperstown, NY, US

2009-06 to 2010-06 | PGY-1 Transitional Year (Medicine & Surgery)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Education and qualifications (5)

Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine: Leesburg, VA, US

2021-01-28 to 2021-03-04 | Imaging Informatics Professional Bootcamp (Imaging Informatics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

American Medical Informatics Association: Bethesda, MD, US

2019-07 to 2019-10 (Clinical Informatics Board Review Course)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Harvard Medical School: Boston, MA, US

2010-07-01 to 2012-06-30 | Master of Medical Sciences (M.M.Sc.) (Radiology, Biomedical Informatics, Imaging Informatics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

State University of New York Upstate Medical University: Syracuse, NY, US

2005-07 to 2009-05 | M.D. (Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Michigan State University: East Lansing, MI, US

2001-08 to 2005-05 | B.S./B.A. (Physiology/Spanish&Portuguese)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Professional activities (9)

American Medical Informatics Association: Bethesda, MD, US

2010 to present | Bronze Member (Biomedical Informatics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

American Society of Neuroradiology: Oak Brook, IL, US

2018 to 2024 | Senior Member (Computer Science & Informatics Committee; Website & Social Media Committee)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

American Society of Neuroradiology: Oak Brook, Illinois, US

2022-06-15 to 2023-05-03 | Ex-Officio Member (AI Ad Hoc Committee)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Association of University Radiologists: Oak Brook, IL, US

2020 to 2023 | Member (Long Range Planning Committee; Scientific Program Committee (informatics))
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Yale School of Medicine: New Haven, CT, US

2020-07-01 to 2022-06-30 | Assistant Director at Yale Program in Innovation in Imaging Informatics (Radiology & Biomedical Imaging)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

#RADequal: Kissimmee, Florida, US

2022-06 | RADequal Ally Award
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Association of University Radiologists: Oak Brook, IL, US

2021 to 2022 | RRA Task Force Member on Clinical Decision Support (Radiology Research Alliance)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

American Society of Spine Radiology: Oak Brook, IL, US

2020 to 2022 | Co-Chair (Social Media Committee)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Association of University Radiologists: Oak Brook, IL, US

2020 to 2021 | RRA Task Force Member on AI Tools (Radiology Research Alliance)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ichiro Ikuta, MD, MMSc

Peer review (39 reviews for 9 publications/grants)

Review activity for American journal of neuroradiology : (15)
Review activity for Clinical imaging. (2)
Review activity for Clinical imaging. (3)
Review activity for Journal of digital imaging. (7)
Review activity for Journal of radiology case reports. (1)
Review activity for Radiographics. (2)
Review activity for Spine. (3)
Review activity for The British journal of radiology. (2)
Review activity for World neurosurgery. (4)