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Edward J. Coyle is the John B. Peatman Distinguished Professor of ECE at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar. He is the Founder of the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program, which integrates research and education by embedding large-scale, long-term, multidisciplinary teams of undergraduates into the research efforts of faculty and their graduate students. VIP@GT currently has more than 100 VIP teams that span the campus and has an enrollment of more than 2500 students per semester. The VIP Consortium, which consists of 50+ universities around the world that have adopted the VIP Program, was selected by ABET to receive their 2019 Innovation Award. Dr. Coyle was a co-recipient of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering’s 2005 Bernard M. Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering and Technology Education and the 1997 Chester F. Carlson Award for Innovation in Engineering Education from the American Society for Engineering Education.
His research interests include: systemic reform of higher education; signal and information processing; and, wireless and sensor networks. In 1998, Dr. Coyle was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for his contributions to the theory of nonlinear signal processing. He was a co-recipient of: a Best Paper Award from the 2024 International Sports Analytics Conference and Exhibition; the 2020 Best Paper Award for Campus Sustainability Research Award from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education; and, the 1986 Paper Award from IEEE Signal Processing Society.