Personal information
Presently working as Energy Consultant(Honorary) at Indian Institute of Technology-Hyderabad, India. Earlier worked for 36 years as Scientific Officer with Department of Atomic Energy, Govt of India. Member in IEEE, ISTE, IAE, MNFE, and FIE. Looked after Operation and maintenance of 33 kV Power distribution network, with a connected load of 50 MW and 12 MW Solar Power Plant. Actively involved in Relay coordination studies, major overhauling of electrical equipment, maintenance of LT and HT switch-gear, VFDS, EV Car and various Batteries. Involved in imparting training to newly recruited engineers, Supervisors and technicians. Associated with mini industrial projects of UG and PG students of various colleges. Received DAE Group achievement award for 4 times in Energy conservation with VFDs and many new diversified projects .
Employment (2)
Professional activities (8)
Works (23)