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Control of oscillations and chaos, Dynamic integrity, Cable dynamics, Wave propagation, Smart materials, Bifurcation and chaos in nonlinear dynamics, Nonlinear oscillations in applied mechanics and structural dynamics, Micro- and nano-mechanics, Structural architecture Thermomechanical problems., Reduced-order modeling in solid and structural mechanics


• Professor Emeritus, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
• Former Professor of Solid and Structural Mechanics, University of L’Aquila (1986-1995), Sapienza University of Rome (1995-2016)
• Lyapunov Award 2017, ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
• Birthday anniversaries honored with dedicated Virginia Tech Conference (11th Nonlinear Vibrations, Stability, and Dynamics of Structures, 2006), and Special Issues of Nonlinear Dynamics (60th) and International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics (70th)
• Former Chairman of the European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference Committee (ENOCC) of EUROMECH (European Society of Mechanics) (2013-2019)
• Italian Representative at General Assembly of IUTAM (International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) (2010-2024)
• Member of Scientific Council of CISM (International Centre for Mechanical Sciences) since 2014
• Past President of AIMETA (Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) (2006-2009)
• Former Chairman of PhD School in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome (2003-2013)
• Former President of the Society of Italian Professors of Solid and Structural Mechanics (1996-2002)
• Former Head of the Department of Structure, Water and Soil Engineering, University of L’Aquila (1987-1992)
• Past Editor-in-Chief of Meccanica (1998-2004)
• Past/present Associate Editor/Editorial/Advisory Board Member of Archival Journals, including Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Nonlinear Dynamics, Journal of Vibration and Control, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Facta Universitatis, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, Journal of Dynamics and Control, Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika (PMM ), Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education (Journal of IMASH-RAN, Moscow), International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
• Organizer/Chair/Scientific Committee Chair of: EUROMECH Colloquia (L’Aquila 1994, Aberdeen 2001, Frascati 2009); IUTAM Symposia (Rome 2003, Aberdeen 2010, Novi Sad 2018); European Conference of Nonlinear Dynamics ENOC (Rome 2011); CISM Advanced School (Udine 2016); ICNSDD (Marrakech 2023); AIMETA (Palermo 2022).
• Minisymposia organized/chaired at International Conferences/Congresses: ASME (Blacksburg VA 1999, Long Beach CA 2005), ESMC (Metz 2000, Bologna 2018, Galway 2022), ICTAM (Warsaw 2004, Montréal 2016), RANM (Harbin 2014), EURODYN (Rome 2017, Athens 2020), NODYCON (Rome 2019), ICoNSoM (Rome 2019)
• Plenary/Keynote Lecturer at nearly 30 International Conferences (1996-2024)
• Visiting Professor at University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign (2000); Lublin University of Technology (2007-2013, several months); University of Sao Paulo (2018)
• Lectures/Seminars delivered at: University of Bologna; University of Catania; University of Messina; Politechnic of Milano; University of Napoli; University of Pavia; Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria; University Institute of Architecture, Venezia; Auburn University; Cornell University; Pennsylvania State University; Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok; Lublin University of Technology; Polish Academy of Sciences; École Politechnique de Tunis; Mathematical Institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; University of Aberdeen; Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro; Academy of Sciences, Torino; Technion, Haifa; University of Liège; King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Institute for Problems in Mechanics, RAS, Moscow; Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiantang; Hunan University, Changsha; .
• More than 15 MS, PhD/post-doc supervised and then appointed at academic/research institutions in Italy, China, UK, Brazil, Hungary, Tunisia
• Invited Speaker at: Tiscornia Seminars, University of Genova (2018); Distinguished Dynamics Colloquia, ETH Zürich (2022); Nodycast, The Podcast on Nonlinear Dynamics (2023); Cassyni Webinar Series on Nonlinear Dynamics (2025)
• Foreign Member, Scientific Society of Serbia. Honorary Member, Serbian Society of Mechanics (since 2022)
• Honorary Member, SISCo (Italian Society of Professors of Solid and Structural Mechanics) (since 2022)
• Since 1998, International Advisor/Referee for Nominations/Appointments at various levels of about 80 top-level scholars/scientists for University positions all over the world, and Society Awards/Honors
• 180 papers published in 60 different Archival Journals, plus 85 Edited Volume chapters and nearly 100 Conference Proceedings papers
• 6 Edited Books (Springer). 10 edited Special Issues for 7 different Archival Journals: Nonlinear Dynamics, Meccanica, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Chaos, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics