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Employment (1)

University of Washington: Seattle, WA, US

Research Scientist (Information School)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stacey Wedlake

Works (14)

How games can support misinformation education: A sociocultural perspective

Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
2024-12-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Stacey Wedlake; Chris Coward; Jin Ha Lee
Source: check_circle

Epistemologies of missing data: COVID dashboard builders and the production and maintenance of marginalized COVID data

Big Data & Society
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Youngrim Kim; Megan Finn; Amelia Acker; Bidisha Chaudhuri; Stacey Wedlake; Ryan Ellis; Janaki Srinivasan
Source: check_circle

The Potential of Digital Literacy to Curb Problematic Information: An Integrative Literature Review

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Stacey Wedlake; Charles Bugre
Source: check_circle

Learning Technology Systems in Everyday Life: Women’s Experiences Navigating Refugee Resettlement in the United States

Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
2023-07-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Negin Dahya; Maria Garrido; Stacey Wedlake; Katya Yefimova; Maleeha Iqbal
Source: check_circle

ConnectWA Coalition Digital Navigator Report

Equity in Education Coalition
2022 | Report
Contributors: Stacey Wedlake
Source: Self-asserted source
Stacey Wedlake

How Do Adult Digital Literacy Curricula Address Problematic Information?

Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology
2022-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2373-9231
Part of ISSN: 2373-9231
Contributors: Charles Bugre; Stacey Wedlake
Source: Self-asserted source
Stacey Wedlake

A Digital Bridge: Increasing Digital Access to Low-Income Job Seekers and the Role of Community Organizations

Information for a Better World: Shaping the Global Future
2022-02 | Conference paper
Part of ISBN: 9783030969592
Part of ISBN: 9783030969608
Part of ISSN: 0302-9743
Part of ISSN: 1611-3349
Source: Self-asserted source
Stacey Wedlake
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The role of libraries in misinformation programming: A research agenda

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Jason C. Young; Brandyn Boyd; Katya Yefimova; Stacey Wedlake; Chris Coward; Rolf Hapel
Source: check_circle

Data Care During Crisis: A Comparative analysis of COVID data infrastructure builders in India and the USA. Data

Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting
2021-10 | Conference abstract
Contributors: Ryan Ellis; Janaki Srinivasan; Megan Finn; Badisha Chaudhuri; Stacey Wedlake; Amelia Acker; Youngrim Kim
Source: Self-asserted source
Stacey Wedlake

Creating a Digital Bridge: Lessons and policy implications from a technology access and distribution program for low-income job seekers

SSRN Electronic Journal
2021-08 | Working paper
Part of ISSN: 1556-5068
Source: Self-asserted source
Stacey Wedlake

Technology access & education for refugee women in Seattle & King County

Technology & Social Change Group, University of Washington Information School.
2020-08 | Report
Source: Self-asserted source
Stacey Wedlake

Digital Skill Sets for Diverse Users: A Comparison Framework for Curriculum and Competencies

TPRC47: Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy
2019-07 | Conference paper
Part of ISSN: 1556-5068
Source: Self-asserted source
Stacey Wedlake

Digital skills for diverse users comparison spreadsheet

2019-03 | Dataset
Source: Self-asserted source
Stacey Wedlake

City of Seattle Digital Equity Evaluation Plan

2018 iSchool Research Fair
2018-02-22 | Conference poster
Source: Self-asserted source
Stacey Wedlake