Personal information
My name is María and I originally come from Málaga, Spain. I moved to Granada to study Physics and enrolled at the University of Granada. During my third year when I came across optics, I developed a huge passion for it. The following summer, I did an internship in Portugal where I had the chance to work in the optimization of nonlinear fabrication of photonic crystal structures for LED applications. There I had my first experimental contact with nanophotonics and nonlinear optics. Having the insightful experience in Portugal, I decided to learn more about photonics and put into practice what I learned through research projects. In particular, I had the opportunity to work with saturable absorption to achieve a mode-locked laser and learn about quantum metrology.
In the next few years, I will be working on quantum sensing as a PhD student at ICFO. I believe that quantum sensing is a research field that is nearing technological applications. Via my PhD, I hope to contribute to research that can benefit the society.