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Born in 1962. Degree in Educational Sciences and Psychology (Univeristy of Florence); Master in Sciences of Communication (University of Siena); PhD in Developmental Psychology, University of Florence (1995). Post Doc researcher in the Department of Psychology ,University of Florence. From 2001 until 2004 Professor of Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Florence. Since January 2004 to March 2018 , she has been researcher and Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, at the University of Bologna, in Rimini campus and in Bologna campus. From March 2018 till present she is Associate professor in Developmental Psychology at the Free University of Bolzano, Faculty of Education, Bressanone Campus.
Researcher in a Socrates Project: “Enhancing social inclusion in preschool” held by Prof. P. Kutnick (King's College, London).
Visiting professor at King's College, London (2007).
Researcher in national projects funded by Italian Ministry of Research on the development of attention and emotion in the first semester of life.
National project manager and researcher in DAPHNE II european Project "An investigation into new forms of bullying" held by the Department of Psychology, prof. M.L. Genta, international project manager, with University of Cordoba, University of Turku, University of Tuzla, Goldsmith College London as partners.
National project manager with Guarini A. for a Daphne III Project "Cyberbullying in adolescence: research and intervention in six european countries " and M.L. Genta (international project manager) with Germany, Spain, Poland, Greece and Bosnia Herzegovina.
Dr Brighi has been representative for Italy in a COST network ISCH IS0801 "Cyberbullying: coping with negative and enhancing positive uses of of new technologies in Relationships in educational settings" managed by prof. P.K. Smith (Uk) from 2008-2012.
From 2013 she is a member of the scientific board of the Flinders University Research centre "Student Wellbeing & Prevention of Violence" (SWAPv), chaired by prof. P. Slee (Australia).
In 2013-2014 she has been national project manager for Italy in a Daphne III European Project "Turning obstacles into opportunities: early interventions for developing childrens' bullying proofing abilities", internationally managed by Save the Children Romania and with other EU countries as partners: Denmark, Latvia, UK, Spain.
Dr. Brighi has been awarded with two Honour Felloships at Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia (2012, 2013) and she is Adjunt Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Social Work at Flinders University. She is the Director of the SWAP-v IT -Joint Research Laboratory (Student’s Well-being and prevention of violence IT), established among Flinders University, Bologna University and the Free University of Bolzano.
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