Personal information
Professor (CEX2), University of Lille
URePSSS, Multidisciplinary Research Unit Sport, Health, Society - EA7369 Physical Activity, Muscle, Health
Eurasport – 413 av. Eugène Avinée – 59120 Loos +33 3 74 00 82 03 ;
1992 PhD, Biomembranes, electrophysiology and pharmacology, UMR CNRS 290, University of Poitiers, France.
2003 Habilitation, plasticity of expression of key proteins involved in the EC coupling in an animal model of muscle atrophy, Laboratory of Neuromuscular Plasticity, University of Lille 1, France
1992-1993 Post-doctorate (01/2006-02/2008), Study of the cardiac connexins. Institut für Genetik, abt. Molekulargenetik, directed by prof K. Willecke, Bonn, Germany.
1993-1995 Assistant Professor (03/2008-08/2008), University of Paris XII.
1995-2006 Assistant professor in Physiology, Laboratory of Neuromuscular Plasticity, EA4345, University of Lille1
2006 professor in Physiology, Laboratory of Neuromuscular Plasticity, EA4345, University of Lille1
2009-2010 Director of the team Neuromuscular plasticity, EA 4345, IFR 147, University of Lille1, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France.
Since 2010 Co-director of the Team “Physical Activity, Muscle and Health”, EA4488 and from 2015 EA 7369, University Lille, France, URePSSS (Director S Berthoin).
70 original publications, 7 book chapters, 9 oral communications, 72 posters, H index 29
5 selected Publications
• Canu MH, Montel V, Dereumetz J, Marqueste T, Decherchi P, Coq JO, Dupont E, Bastide B. (2022) Early movement restriction deteriorates motor function and soleus muscle physiology. Exp Neurol 347:113886.
• Lambert M, Claeyssen C, Bastide B, Cieniewski-Bernard C. O-GlcNAcylation as a regulator of the functional and structural properties of the sarcomere in skeletal muscle: An update review. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2019 May 20:e13301. doi: 10.1111/apha.13301.
• Lambert M, Bastide B, Cieniewski-Bernard C. Involvement of O-GlcNAcylation in the Skeletal Muscle Physiology and Physiopathology: Focus on Muscle Metabolism. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2018 Oct 16;9:578. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2018.00578.
• Lambert M, Richard E, Duban-Deweer S, Krzewinski F, Deracinois B, Dupont E, Bastide B, Cieniewski-Bernard C. (2016) O-GlcNAcylation is a key modulator of skeletal muscle sarcomeric morphometry associated to modulation of protein-protein interactions. Biochim Biophys Acta. General Subjects 1860: 2017-30.
• Klein P, Oloko M, Roth F, Montel V, Malerba A, Jarmin S, Gidaro T, Popplewell L, Perie S, Lacau St Guily J, de la Grange P, Antoniou MN, Dickson G, Butler-Browne G, Bastide B, Mouly V, Trollet C. (2016) Nuclear poly(A)-binding protein aggregates misplace a pre-mRNA outside of SC35 speckle causing its abnormal splicing. Nucleic Acids Res. 44(22):10929-10945
Skeletal muscle physiology, muscle atrophy, plasticity of the skeletal muscle, implication of the plasticity of key contractile proteins in the modulation of the functional properties of skeletal muscle, post-translational modifications of skeletal proteins, the cell signalling pathways involved in muscle plasticity, the O-N-Acetyl glycosaminylation and phosphorylation.
3 PhD co-supervised since 2006
Reviewer for international journals (Am J Physiol, Muscle and Nerve, J Physiol, Plos One, Front Physiol Physiologica Acta, Gene, Journal of Applied Physiol , BBRC).
2020 : Member of the HCERES board for the CNRS/INSERM Physiologie et médecine expérimentale du cœur et des muscles (PHYMEDEXP) Laboratory, Montpellier, France
2021 : Member of the HCERES board for the ORPHY laboratory, Brest, France
Evaluation of research proposals for the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie Direction régionale Moyen-Orient, Nouvelle Aquitaine region.
Editorial of International Journals (Guest Associate Editor for Frontiers Physiol 2016-2019: until 2019 Associate Editor for Frontiers Physiol)
• Coordinator of research grants:
o The AFM-Téléthon (2011-2013)
o CNES (2010-2018)
• Participant in research grants:
o The AFM-Téléthon
o The Région Nord-Pas-de-Calais, program Emerging Project
2016-2020 Member of the National Council of the University (CNU), France.
2018-2021 Member of the Studies and University Council (CFVU) and Academic Council (CAC) of the University of Lille, France.
2018-2022 Member of the Biology Department Committee of the Faculty of Sciences and technology, University of Lille.
Since 2022 Vice Dean Human Relationship of the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, Univ Lille