Personal information

methods for surveillance of patient harm associated with marketed medical products
United States


Employment (1)

US Food and Drug Administration: Silver Spring, MD, US

1990 to 2021 | [epidemiologist]
Source: Self-asserted source
Roselie Bright

Education and qualifications (3)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, MA, US

Bachelor of Science (Food Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Roselie Bright

Harvard School of Public Health: Boston, MA, US

Doctor of Science (Epidemiology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Roselie Bright

Cornell University : Ithaca, NY, US

Master of Science (Food Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Roselie Bright

Works (7)

Authors’ Response to Peer Reviews of “Finding Potential Adverse Events in the Unstructured Text of Electronic Health Care Records: Development of the Shakespeare Method”

2021-08-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Roselie A Bright; Summer K Rankin; Katherine Dowdy; Sergey V Blok; Susan J Bright; Lee Anne M Palmer
Source: check_circle

Finding Potential Adverse Events in the Unstructured Text of Electronic Health Care Records: Development of the Shakespeare Method

2021-08-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Roselie A Bright; Summer K Rankin; Katherine Dowdy; Sergey V Blok; Susan J Bright; Lee Anne M Palmer
Source: check_circle

Authors’ Response to Peer Reviews of “Finding Potential Adverse Events in the Unstructured Text of Electronic Health Care Records: Development of the Shakespeare Method” (Preprint)

2021-06-25 | Other
Contributors: Roselie A Bright; Summer K Rankin; Katherine Dowdy; Sergey V Blok; Susan J Bright; Lee Anne M Palmer
Source: check_circle

New and Increasing Rates of Adverse Events Can be Found in Unstructured Text in Electronic Health Records using the Shakespeare Method

2021-01-15 | Other
Contributors: Roselie A. Bright; Katherine Dowdy; Summer K. Rankin; Sergey V. Blok; Lee Anne Palmer; Susan J. Bright-Ponte
Source: check_circle

Finding Potential Adverse Events in the Unstructured Text of Electronic Health Care Records: Development of the Shakespeare Method (Preprint)

2021-01-07 | Other
Contributors: Roselie A Bright; Summer K Rankin; Katherine Dowdy; Sergey V Blok; Susan J Bright; Lee Anne M Palmer
Source: check_circle

Potential Blood Transfusion Adverse Events Can be Found in Unstructured Text in Electronic Health Records using the “Shakespeare Method”

2021-01-06 | Other
Contributors: Roselie A Bright; Summer K Rankin; Katherine Dowdy; Sergey V Blok; Susan J Bright-Ponte; Lee Anne Palmer
Source: check_circle

Use of Diagnosis Codes to Find Blood Transfusion Adverse Events in Electronic Health Records

2021-01-04 | Other
Contributors: Roselie A. Bright; Susan J. Bright-Ponte; Lee Anne Palmer; Summer K. Rankin; Sergey Blok
Source: check_circle