Personal information
The scientific activity is developed in MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre (I&D unit) and Associated Laboratory ARNET
The research activities are based on ecology of meiofauna and nematodes assemblages of the estuarine and deep sea sediments to investigate the estuarine and marine ecosystem processes. Recently, the research is being focus in the development of the innovative tools to allow the implementation of the "Marine Strategy Framework Directive" (MSFD) to assess the "Good Quality Status" (GES) related with Descriptor 1- Biodiversity and Descriptor 4- Trophic relations.
The research was being focus on ecological processes of the benthic marine nematodes assemblages associated with intertidal seagrass beds, subtidal estuarine sediments and deep sea sediments of the marine canyons and mud volcanos through the study of the:
i) spatial and temporal distribution patterns to assess the responses and resilience of the nematode assemblages during the natural habitat recovery.
ii) ecosystem processes by the analyse of the "Stable Isotope Ecology"and the role of the benthic nematodes in estuarine and marine food webs;
iii) molecular analysis to provide a tool for rapid assessment of biodiversity changes, identification of the trophic guilds of the and quantification of the nematodes assemblages;
iv) nematode assemblages of the diversity hotspots in deep sea sediments as marine canyons and mud volcanos.
The research is also focus on benthic assemblages, particularly macrofauna and benthic nematode responses to the presence of the non-indigenous bivalve R. philippinarum. Density, diversity and trophic composition patterns were examined along the Tagus and Sado estuary gradients (Portugal). Moreover using the dual isotope analysis it was analyzed the trophic structure of the food web to identify the food sources of the R. philippinarum and the native congeneric species. Moreover we are developing the chemical profile of the R. philippinarum to detected the geographical origin of the species.
Recently is developing a study to understand how is shapped the trophic structure of the i) macrobenthic assemblages and ii) benthic nematode assemblages under different sedimentary organic matter condition and microbiome? (FCT financial support).
Science communication
Ocean Literacy
Focusing in communication of science to society through project i.e. "SOPHIA - Conhecimento para a gestão do ambiente marinho" and "Bluetide".
Since 2014 as scientific supervisor: postdoc project grants, Ph.D. thesis, Master thesis; graduate students. Coordination of research projects; Member team of research projects; Published peer reviewed scientific paper, Co-author e- books Technical Guides (Ocean Literacy); Chair of international meetings, namely SEVENTIMCO, 17th International Meiofauna Conference, University of Évora, July 2019; Executive Committee (Chairperson) of “The International Association of Meiobenthologists- IAM” (2019-2023); Newsletter Editor of “Psammonalia” (IAM) ; Guest-Editor of special Issue of "Ecological Indicators" publication entitled: SeventIMCO: Meiofauna in a changing world.; Research invited in deep sea sampling cruises (GEOMAR).
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (1)
Funding (10)