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• Prof. Ahmad Azar is a full Professor at Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Kingdom Saudi Arabia. He is the leader of Automated Systems & Soft Computing Lab (ASSCL), Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia.
• Prof. Azar is the Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET) and International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD) published by IGI Global, USA. He is also the Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics (IJIEI), Inderscience Publishers, Olney, UK.
• From 2013 to 2017, Prof. Azar was an associate editor of ISA Transactions, Elsevier.
• He is currently an associate editor for IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions of Fuzzy Systems, Springer's Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, and Elsevier's Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.
• Prof. Azar specializes in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, control theory and applications, robotics, computational intelligence, reinforcement learning, and dynamic system modeling. He has published/co-published over 500 research papers, book chapters, and conference proceedings in prestigious peer-reviewed journals.
• He is the editor of several books published by Springer, Elsevier, and IGI-Global on control systems, robotics, dynamic system modelling, artificial and computational intelligence, machine learning, fuzzy logic systems, and chaos modelling. Prof. Ahmad Azar serves as a reviewer for several international journals. He is a member of many international and peer-reviewed conference international programme committees.
• Prof. Ahmad Azar has been an IEEE Senior Member since December 2013 in recognition of his exceptional contributions to the profession.
• In June 2018, Prof. Azar was awarded the Egyptian State Encouragement Award in Engineering Sciences by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
• In August of 2018, he was elected as a senior member of the International Rough Set Society (IRSS).
• Prof. Azar was named one of the top computer scientists in Saudi Arabia by Guide2Research in December 2019.
• Prof. Azar was awarded the Egyptian President's Distinguished Egyptian Order of the First Class in February 2020.
• In October 2020, Prof. Azar was awarded Abdul Hameed Shoman Arab Researchers Award in Machine learning and Big data analytics.
• In October 2020- September 2023, Prof. Azar was selected as a Distinguished researcher at Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
• In November 2020, October 2021, October 2022 and October 2023 Prof. Azar was named one of the top 2% of scientists in the world in Artificial Intelligence by Stanford University (Single year impact and Career long impact). Stanford University published these numbers in the PLOS journal and based them on the SCOPUS database.
• In October 2022, Prof. Ahmad Azar was ranked as one of the top 10 researchers at Prince Sultan University with the highest SCOPUS H-index in 2021.
• In October 2022, Prof. Ahmad Azar received an award for being among the top publishers of research at Prince Sultan University in 2021.
• In Sept. 2023, Prof. Ahmad Azar received a research Excellence Award for the academic year 2022/2023, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia
• In Sept. 2023, Prof. Ahmad Azar received the Highest Impact Researcher's Award with H-index for the academic year 2022/2023, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia.
• In Sept. 2023, Prof. Ahmad Azar received a PSU research award for listing among the top 5 publications with the highest impact factor for the academic year 2022/2023, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia
Prof. Ahmad Azar is the Vice Chair of International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Technical Committee of Control Design, vice chair of IEEE CIS IET "Interdisciplinary Emergent Technologies" Task Force, vice-Chair Research Activities of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Egypt Chapter, Committee member of IEEE CIS Task Force on Fuzzy Logic in Medical Sciences Also, he is the Vice-president (North) of System dynamics Africa Regional Chapter and an Academic Member of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Computational Collective Intelligence.