Personal information
PhD student in the field of German Language and Literature in the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Humanities (FFLCH) from the University of São Paulo (USP), with research about the exiled Austrian poet Paula Ludwig. She completed her Master's Degree in German Language and Literature in the same institution (2019), with dissertation about the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig and his memoirs. She did a research internship abroad at the Stefan Zweig Zentrum, from the Universität Salzburg, with the scholarship Stefan Zweig-Forschungsstipendium (2018). She has Bachelor Degree in Languages, with emphasis in German and Portuguese, also at USP (2014). Currently, she receives a scholarship for Doctorate from CAPES and is member of the research group Linguistic and Literary Relations Brazil-Countries of German language (RELLIBRA), from the University of São Paulo:
Education and qualifications (3)
Professional activities (1)
Funding (2)