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Juma Adinan is a medical epidemiologist and biostatistician. He trained at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College for medical doctor degree (2011) and Masters of Science in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (2014), the course which is supported by LSHTM, under the scholarship of THRIVE. During my MSc training I had an opportunity of being involved in a THRIVE PUMP PRIMING Funded Self hypertension Assessment study (SHAS) as a coordinator under the mentorship of Jenny Renju and Jim Todd. This opportunity not only provided me with important knowledge and skills in research but also contributed a lot in my understanding and passion towards health systems and health services research. Dr. Adinan is an early stage researcher and highly interested to pursue academic research career, he is interested in health systems and health services research.

Results from SHAS study, contributed largely in winning a grant for Advanced Research Training. The grant will also support research project. The aim of the proposed research project is to improve management outcome of hypertension by attaining the following objectives; to describe health systems barriers and health systems factors associated with the availability and quality of hypertension services, to identify patients’ level barriers and patient level factors associated with BP control and to develop and pilot an intervention to improve hypertension control in hypertensives attending Kilimanjaro health facilities. It is my hope that we are going to accomplish the work ahead of us. On board are, KCMU College researcher and physician, Rachel Manongi and Glory Temu respectively; Tanzania–based LSHTM research scientists; Jim Todd and Jenny Renju, Tanzania-based Cornell Medical University physician and researcher Rob Peck.


Employment (1)

Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre: Moshi, Kilimanjaro, TZ

2013-06 to present | Trainer, Coordinator, Researcher (Community Health)
Source: Self-asserted source
Juma Adinan

Education and qualifications (1)

Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College: Moshi, Kilimanjaro, TZ

2012 to 2014 | MSc. Epidemiology and Applied Biostatistics (Epidemiology and Biostatistics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Juma Adinan

Funding (2)


2016-05 to 2017-04 | Grant
Palladium (North Carolina, America, US)


Source: Self-asserted source
Juma Adinan

Advanced Research Training

2016-03 to 2019-03 | Grant
National Institute of Health (washington , US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Juma Adinan

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for BMC public health (1)