Personal information

Cerrado, Vegetation Ecology, Palm swamp


Employment (1)

Universidade de Brasília: Brasilia, DF, BR

2009-08-01 to present (Botânica)
Source: Self-asserted source
Cassia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz

Education and qualifications (1)

Universidade de Brasília: Brasilia, DF, BR

1999-03-01 to 2003-07-20 | Doctor (Botânica)
Source: Self-asserted source
Cassia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz

Works (50 of 56)

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The effect of woody encroachment on taxonomic and functional diversity and soil properties in Cerrado wetlands

2024-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Vinicius Lima Trindade; Maxmiller Cardoso Ferreira; Lucas Silva Costa; Eliel de Jesus Amaral; Mercedes Maria da Cunha Bustamante; Cássia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz
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Environmental and temporal variability of the aquatic macrophyte community in riverine environments in the southern Amazonia

2024-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Milton Omar Córdova; Josiane Fernandes Keffer; Dienefe Rafaela Giacoppini; Cássia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz
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Revealing the Permanent and Transient Plant Understory in Gallery Forests in the Cerrado of Central Brazil

Forest Science
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Tavora, Ana Carolina; Carvalho-Silva, Micheline; Amaral, Eliel de Jesus; Cupertino-Eisenlohr, Monica A.; Nogueira, Eloisa, V; Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz R.
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Soil texture and fertility determine the beta diversity of plant species in veredas in Central Brazil

Plant and Soil
2023-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Natália R. Bijos; Diogo Pereira da Silva; Cássia B. R. Munhoz
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Desenvolvimento inicial de Trembleya parviflora sob diferentes condições hídricas e de serapilheira

Iheringia, Série Botânica
2023-06-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Ani Cátia Giotto; Chesterton‬ Ulysses Orlando Eugênio; Cássia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz; José Felipe Ribeiro
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Predicting the range expansion of invasive alien grasses under climate change in the Neotropics

Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation
2023-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Aline Lopes; Layon Orestes Demarchi; Maria Teresa Fernandez Piedade; Jochen Schöngart; Florian Wittmann; Cássia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz; Cristiane Silva Ferreira; Augusto Cesar Franco
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Woody Plant Encroachment in a Seasonal Tropical Savanna: Lessons about Classifiers and Accuracy from UAV Images

Remote Sensing
2023-04-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Lucas Silva Costa; Edson Eyji Sano; Manuel Eduardo Ferreira; Cássia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz; João Vítor Silva Costa; Leomar Rufino Alves Júnior; Thiago Roure Bandeira de Mello; Mercedes Maria da Cunha Bustamante
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Aquatic Macrophytes in Southern Amazonia, Brazil: Richness, Endemism, and Comparative Floristics

2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Cordova, Milton Omar; Keffer, Josiane Fernandes; Giacoppini, Dienefe Rafaela; Pott, Vali Joana; Pott, Arnildo; de Moura, Edson Gomes, Jr.; Rodrigues Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz
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Cerrado wetlands: multiple ecosystems deserving legal protection as a unique and irreplaceable treasure

Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Durigan, Giselda; Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz; Brito Zakia, Maria Jose; Oliveira, Rafael S.; Pilon, Natashi A. L.; Telles do Valle, Raul Silva; Walter, Bruno M. T.; Honda, Eliane A.; Pott, Arnildo
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Decrease in species richness and diversity, and shrub encroachment in Cerrado grasslands: A 20 years study

Applied Vegetation Science
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: de Souza, Gabriella Ferreira; Ferreira, Maxmiller Cardoso; Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz Rodrigues
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Differences in soil properties influence floristic changes in the Veredas of the Brazilian Cerrado

Revista Brasileira de Botanica
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Nogueira, Eloisa, V; Bijos, Natalia R.; Trindade, Vinicius L.; Heusi, Gilson P.; Togni, Pedro H. B.; Munhoz, Cassia B. R.
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Mapping native and non-native vegetation in the Brazilian Cerrado using freely available satellite products

Scientific Reports
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Lewis, Kennedy; de V. Barros, Fernanda; Cure, Marcio B.; Davies, Christian A.; Furtado, Mariana N.; Hill, Timothy C.; Hirota, Marina; Martins, Demetrius L.; Mazzochini, Guilherme G.; Mitchard, Edward T. A. et al.
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Novelties from the herbaceous stratum in a key region for the conservation of the Southern Amazon

Biota Neotropica
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Gallo, Sandra Cristina; Cupertino-Eisenlohr, Monica A.; da Silva, Dennis Rodrigues; Rodrigues Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz; Eisenkhr, Pedro, V
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Novelties from the herbaceous stratum in a key region for the conservation of the Southern Amazon

Biota Neotropica
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Sandra Cristina Gallo; Mônica A. Cupertino-Eisenlohr; Dennis Rodrigues da Silva; Cassia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz; Pedro V. Eisenlohr
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Placing Brazil's grasslands and savannas on the map of science and conservation

Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Overbeck, Gerhard Ernst; Velez-Martin, Eduardo; Menezes, Luciana da Silva; Anand, Madhur; Baeza, Santiago; Carlucci, Marcos B.; Dechoum, Michele S.; Durigan, Giselda; Fidelis, Alessandra; Guido, Anaclara et al.
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Spatially structured soil properties and climate explain distribution patterns of herbaceous-shrub species in the Cerrado

Plant Ecology (formerly Vegetatio)
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Amaral, Aryanne Goncalves; Bijos, Natalia Rodrigues; Moser, Pamela; Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz Rodrigues
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Conspectus de Melastomataceae Juss. no Distrito Federal, Brasil

2022-09-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Estela Cristina De Oliveira Lourenço; Carolyn Elinore Barnes Proença; Cássia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz
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Does spatial and seasonal variability in fleshy-fruited trees affect fruit availability? A case study in gallery forests of Central Brazil

Acta Botanica Brasilica
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Brito Darosci, Adriano Antonio; Caldeira Takahashi, Frederico Scherr; Barnes Proenca, Carolyn Elinore; Soares-Silva, Lucia Helena; Rodrigues Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz
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Herbaceous-shrub species composition, diversity and soil attributes in moist grassland, shrub grassland and savanna in Central Brazil

Revista Brasileira de Botanica
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: de Souza, Gabriella Ferreira; Almeida, Raphael Ferreira; Bijos, Natalia Rodrigues; Fagg, Christopher William; Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz R.
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Environment, phylogeny, and photosynthetic pathway as determinants of leaf traits in savanna and forest graminoid species in central Brazil

2021-04-22 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0029-8549
Part of ISSN: 1432-1939
Source: Self-asserted source
Cassia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz
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Management of ecological filters for increasing the native vegetation cover in a mine treated with sewage sludge in the Cerrado Biome

Ciencia Florestal
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: do Carmo Balduino, Alexander Paulo; StudartCorrea, Rodrigo; Rodrigues Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz; Quintino de Faria Junior, Jair Eustaquio; de Azevedo Bringel, Joao Bernardo; Barros, Leticia dos Santos; Pereira Santos, Pietro Matheus
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Edaphic Filters and Plant Colonization in a Mine Revegetated with Sewage Sludge

Floresta E Ambiente
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Balduino, Alexander; Correa, Rodrigo; Rodrigues Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz; Chacon, Roberta; Rodrigues Pinto, Jose Roberto
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Is the herb-shrub composition of veredas (Brazilian palm swamps) distinguishable?

Acta Botanica Brasilica
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: da Silva, Diogo Pereira; Amaral, Aryanne G.; Bijos, Natalia Rodrigues; Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz R.
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Tree diversity and above-ground biomass in the South America Cerrado biome and their conservation implications

Biodiversity and Conservation
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Morandi, P.S.; Marimon, B.S.; Marimon-Junior, B.H.; Ratter, J.A.; Feldpausch, T.R.; Colli, G.R.; Munhoz, C.B.R.; da Silva Júnior, M.C.; de Souza Lima, E.; Haidar, R.F. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cassia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz via Scopus - Elsevier

Angiosperm species of "Cerrado" sensu stricto in Terra Ronca State Park, Brazil: floristics, phytogeography and conservation

Revista Brasileira de Botanica
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Magalhaes, Ana; Teixeira, C.; Pinto, Jose Roberto R.; Amaral, Aryanne G.; Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz R.
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Plant species composition, richness, and diversity in the palm swamps (veredas) of Central Brazil

2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Bijos, Natalia Rodrigues; Orlando Eugenio, Chesterton Ulysses; Bandeira Mello, Thiago de Roure; de Souza, Gabriella Ferreira; Rodrigues Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz
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Richness pattern and phytogeography of the Cerrado herb-shrub flora and implications for conservation

Journal of Vegetation Science
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Amaral, Aryanne G.; Munhoz, Cassia B. R.; Walter, Bruno M. T.; Aguirre-Gutierrez, Jesus; Raes, Niels
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Seasonality, diaspore traits and the structure of plant-frugivore networks in Neotropical savanna forest

Acta Oecologica
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Brito Darosci, Adriano Antonio; Bruna, Emilio M.; Motta-Junior, Jose Carlos; Ferreira, Cristiane da Silva; Blake, John Gilman; Rodrigues Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz
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The traits of frugivores and diaspores are correlated with the number of fruits eaten in the Cerrado gallery forest

Tropical Ecology
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Brito Darosci, Adriano Antonio; Motta-Junior, Jose Carlos; Rodrigues Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz
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The traits of frugivores and diaspores are correlated with the number of fruits eaten in the Cerrado gallery forest

Tropical Ecology
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Darosci, A.A.B.; Motta-Junior, J.C.; Munhoz, C.B.R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cassia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz via Scopus - Elsevier

Cloning and characterization of novel cyclotides genes from South American plants

2016 | Journal article
Contributors: da Cunha, Nicolau Brito; Anjos de Deus Barbosa, Aulus Estevao; de Almeida, Renato Goulart; Porto, William Farias; Maximiano, Mariana Rocha; Silva Alvares, Luana Cristina; Rodrigues Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz; Orlando Eugenio, Chesterton Ulysses; Barbosa Viana, Antonio Americo; Franco, Octavio Luiz et al.
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Influence of biological and social-historical variables on the time taken to describe an angiosperm

American Journal of Botany
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Cavallin, Evelin K. S.; Munhoz, Cassia B. R.; Harris, Stephen A.; Villarroel, Daniel; Proenca, Carolyn E. B.
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Seed tolerance to heating is better predicted by seed dormancy than by habitat type in Neotropical savanna grasses

International Journal of Wildland Fire
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Ramos, Desiree M.; Liaffa, Ana B. S.; Diniz, Pedro; Munhoz, Cassia B. R.; Ooi, Mark K. J.; Borghetti, Fabian; Valls, Jose F. M.
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The rediscovery of <i>Philcoxia goiasensis</i> (Plantaginaceae): lectotypification and notes on morphology, distribution and conservation of a threatened carnivorous species from the Serra Geral de Goias, Brazil

Kew Bulletin
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Scatigna, Andre Vito; Amaral, Aryanne Golcalves; Rodrigues Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz; Souza, Vinicius Castro; Simoes, Andre Olmos
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Effects of nutrient additions on the diversity of the herbaceous-subshrub layer of a Brazilian Savanna (cerrado)

Nitrogen Deposition, Critical Loads and Biodiversity: Proceedings of the International Nitrogen Initiative Workshop, Linking Experts of the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution and the Convention on Biological Diversity
2014 | Book chapter


Contributors: De Mello, T.R.B.; Munhoz, C.B.R.; Bustamante, M.M.C.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cassia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz via Scopus - Elsevier

Floristic and structural changes in the cerrado sensu stricto over 27 years (1985-2012) at Fazenda Água Limpa, Brasília, DF

2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Almeida, Raphael Ferreira; Fagg, Christopher William; Oliveira, Maria Cristina de; Munhoz, Cássia Beatriz Rodrigues; Lima, Aldeni Silva de; Oliveira, Lamartine Soares Bezerra de
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Floristic and structural changes in the cerrado sensu stricto over 27 years (1985-2012) at Fazenda Água Limpa, Brasília, DF,Mudanças florísticas e estruturais no cerrado sensu stricto ao longo de 27 anos (1985-2012) na Fazenda Água Limpa, Brasília, DF

2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Almeida, R.F.; Fagg, C.W.; De Oliveira, M.C.; Munhoz, C.B.R.; De Lima, A.S.; De Oliveira, L.S.B.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cassia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz via Scopus - Elsevier

High genetic diversity and contrasting fine-scale spatial genetic structure in four seasonally dry tropical forest tree species

Plant Systematics and Evolution
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Collevatti, Rosane Garcia; Estolano, Raquel; Ribeiro, Marina Lopes; Rabelo, Suelen Goncalves; Lima, Elizangela J.; Munhoz, Cassia B. R.
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Temporal change in species and functional plant traits in the moist grassland on the Sete Cidades National Park, Piaui, Brazil

Brazilian Journal of Biology
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Mendes, M. R. A.; Silva Junior, M. C.; Castro, A. A. J. F.; Takahashi, F. S. C.; Munhoz, C. B. R.
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Vascular flora in dry-shrub and wet grassland Cerrado seven years after a fire, Federal District, Brazil

Check List
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Aryanne Gonçalves Amaral; Cássia Beatriz R. Munhoz; Chesterton Ulysses Orlando Eugênio; Jeanine Maria Felfili
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Effects of nutrient additions on plant biomass and diversity of the herbaceous-subshrub layer of a Brazilian savanna (Cerrado)

Plant Ecology (formerly Vegetatio)
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Bustamante, Mercedes M. C.; de Brito, Darlan Q.; Kozovits, Alessandra R.; Luedemann, Gustavo; de Mello, Thiago R. B.; Pinto, Alexandre de Siqueira; Munhoz, Cassia B. R.; Takahashi, Frederico S. C.
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Vegetation and soil relationship in moist grassland in the National Park of Sete Cidades, Piauí, Brazil

2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Mendes, Maura Rejane de Araújo; Munhoz, Cássia Beatriz Rodrigues; Silva Júnior, Manoel Cláudio da; Castro, Antonio Alberto Jorge Farias
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Vegetation and soil relationship in moist grassland in the National Park of Sete Cidades, Piauí, Brazil,Relação entre a vegetação e as propriedades do solo em áreas de campo limpo úmido no Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades, Piauí, Brasil

2012 | Journal article


Contributors: De Araújo Mendes, M.R.; Munhoz, C.B.R.; Da Silva Júnior, M.C.; Castro, A.A.J.F.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cassia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz via Scopus - Elsevier

Temporal dynamics of the shrub and herbaceous layer of an area of moist grassland in Alto Paraiso de Goias, Brazil

Acta Botanica Brasilica
2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Orlando Eugenio, Chesterton Ulysses; Rodrigues Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz; Felfili, Jeanine Maria
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2009 | Journal article
Contributors: Giotto, Ani Catia; Miranda, Fabio dos Santos; Rodrigues Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz
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Germination and growth of Magonia pubescens A. st.-hil seedlings,Aspectos da germinação e crescimento de mudas de magonia pubescens a. st.-hil

2009 | Journal article


Contributors: Giotto, A.C.; Miranda, F.S.; Munhoz, C.B.R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cassia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz via Scopus - Elsevier

Phytosociology of the herb-subshrub layer of a moist grassland community in Central Brazil

Acta Botanica Brasilica
2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Rodrigues Munhoz, Cassia Beatriz; Felfili, Jeanine Maria
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Phytosociology of the herb-subshrub layer of a moist grassland community in central Brazil,Fitossociologia do estrato herbáceo-subarbustivo em campo limpo úmido no Brasil central

Acta Botanica Brasilica
2008 | Journal article


Contributors: Munhoz, C.B.R.; Felfili, J.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Cassia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz via Scopus - Elsevier

Species-environment relationship in the herb-subshrub layer of a moist Savanna site, Federal District, Brazil

Brazilian Journal of Biology
2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Munhoz, C. B. R.; Felfili, J. M.; Rodrigues, C.
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Floristic of the herbaceous and subshrub layer of a Moist Grassland in Brasília, Brazil

Biota Neotropica
2007 | Journal article
Contributors: Munhoz, Cássia Beatriz Rodrigues; Felfili, Jeanine Maria
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Peer review (15 reviews for 8 publications/grants)

Review activity for Acta Botânica Brasílica. (2)
Review activity for Austral ecology. (2)
Review activity for Australian journal of botany. (2)
Review activity for Biodiversity and conservation. (1)
Review activity for Biota Neotropica. (5)
Review activity for Plant and soil. (1)
Review activity for PloS one. (1)
Review activity for Wetlands ecology and management. (1)