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My main research topic is Gravity and General Relativity. During my scientific career I have been developing two lines of research:
- Gravitational waves from compact objects (black holes, neutron stars, wormholes and other compact objects). I am interested in the analysis of the characteristic frequencies of the ringdown phase (the quasinormal modes, QNMs) of these objects, and how signatures of alternative theories of gravity and exotic matter can appear in them. The main objective is the comparison of the theoretical predictions with astrophysical observations (in particular the ones from LIGO/VIRGO and the Einstein Telescope), which could provide strong constraints on the modifications of General Relativity.
- Black holes and solitons in alternative gravity theories. In particular, I am interested in the construction and analysis of solutions describing stationary configurations in models of gravity related with Supergravity and String theory, effective models with additional fields and higher curvature corrections, gravity in higher dimensions, etc. The objective is to study the properties of these solutions, space of configurations, scalarization, stability, gravitational waves, black hole thermodynamics, and find possible applications in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence and String Theory.
I have published more than 50 scientific papers in high quality peer-reviewed international journals, being the first author in most of them. Including proceedings and other scientific documents, I have more than 60 publications. My work has received more than 2500 citations (h index=22 in INSPIRE-HEP). I have a large and very active network of international collaborators, and I regularly carry out scientific stays and visits. I have presented my research in many national and international conferences, workshops and seminars, some of them under invitation.
I am currently the PI of two national scientific projects: MICINN project PID2021 125617NB-I00 “QuasiMode” (35,695 €, co-PI Prof. Francisco Navarro-Lérida), and MICINN project CNS2023-144089 “Quasinormal modes of rotating black holes, neutron stars and other compact objects: probing General Relativity with gravitational waves” (49.460 €, PI: José Luis Blázquez-Salcedo). I am also a member of the project PTDC/FIS-AST/3041/2020 “Testing the Kerr Hypothesis with gravitational waves and lensing”.
In the past, I was PI of Santander-UCM project PR44/21‐29910 “Quasinormal modes” (12.000 €, PI: José Luis Blázquez-Salcedo). I have participated in several highly competitive scientific projects that I list below. Let me highlight that I have been the PI of the project BL 1553/1-1 "Quasi-normal modes of rotating black holes and neutron stars: gravitational waves and AdS/CFT correspondence" funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft budgeted with 177,400€ (01/06/2018-31/12/2020). I have also been a member of the DFG Research Training Group 1620 "Models of Gravity" involving several German universities with the purpose of training PhD students.
I have been the advisor of 1 PhD Thesis, 2 Master Thesis and 1 Bachelor Thesis at the University of Oldenburg (all of them with highest honors), and coadvisor of two Master Thesis and a number of Bachelor Thesis in the UCM. As a member of the RTG 1620, one of my obligations was to contribute with support and scientific collaborations to the PhD students of the group. This materialized in several high quality collaborations and additional experience supervising research students.
I have experience with scientific software, such as Maple and Mathematica. I perform numerical calculations using my own codes written in Fortran, Matlab, Julia, Python, C, etc. For data analysis I make use of Gnuplot, R and Origin.
My research has gained a lot of public attention, appearing in many news papers and blogs. I have been interviewed by CNN, RTVE, Amautas, Órbita Laika, etc.
Since 1/10/2020 I am Profesor Ayudante Doctor in Physics at the UCM, where I teach mathematics and physics courses besides conducting research. I am also the Department Secretary, and a member of the UCM Research Institute IPARCOS. I am the representative of the Research Unit IPARCOS-UCM in the Einstein Telescope collaboration. I have the ANECA certificate for “Profesor Contratado Doctor” (2022), and the R3 certificate (2023).
Employment (2)
Education and qualifications (1)
Funding (9)
Works (50 of 75)