Personal information
15/08/1965: Born in Bologna, Italy.
1991: Degree in Physics at the University of Bolonna, Italy, 110/110 cum laude (work within the OPAL collaboration at the LEP e+e- collider at CERN).
1996: PhD in Physics (work within the OPAL collaboration at the LEP e+e- collider at CERN).
1996-1999: Research Associate at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (OPAL experiment at CERN).
1999-2000: Post Doc at the University of Victoria and TRIUMF Laboratory, Canada (OPAL and ATLAS experiments at CERN).
2001-2005: fixed-term researcher at the italian CNR within the IASF-INAF Institutes for the SPOrt experiment to be hosted on the International Space Station.
2005-onward: work with the University of Bologna and the Istituto Nationale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) within the LUCID project in ATLAS at the CERN LHC.
Since 2011: full time researcher at the Bologna section of the INFN. Main activities in LUCID for ATLAS plus some R&D projects.