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Dan-Cristian Dabija, PhD, is Full Professor at the Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania. His teaching and research fields are retailing, international marketing, consumer behaviour and tourism marketing. Dr. Dabija completed his PhD Studies at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania, and has been awarded several doctoral and postdoctoral research scholarships at Romanian, Hungarian, Finish, British, Austrian and German universities. Dr. Dabija coordinated several research projects financed by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation (UEFISCDI), but also an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership. He has published in various journals and has participated in numerous conferences (EMAC, World Marketing Congress, Annual MBAA International Conference, Annual North American ACR Conference, RESER), and serves as a reviewer for Computers in Human Behaviour, Journal of Cleaner Production, Amfiteatru Economic, PlosOne, Frontiers in Psychology, Kybernetes etc.
More recently Dr. Dabija coauthored in Romanian the book To conceive, to write and to publish a scientific article in business and economics, which was awarded in late 2017 the first book prize of the Romanian Association of Economic Faculties and in December 2019 the “Victor Slăvescu“ Prize of the Romanian Academy of Science. He was awarded in September 2018 the Publons “Excellent Reviewers“ Award and the “Top Reviewers in Economics and Business“, in September 2021 the “2020 MDPI Top Reviewer Award” and in April 2023 the “2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award” from the Journal of Risk and Financial Management. Since 2023 he is the best cited researcher in Marketing in Romania; according to the update of the science-wide author database of standardized citation indicators, he is ranked among the top 2% highly cited researchers (2023: #51745; 2024: #28497) by Elsevier and Stanford University International Ranking In 2024 Dr. Dabija won the Emerald Literati Outstanding Paper Award for a coauthored paper in Journal of Knowledge Management, the Strategica International Conference Best Paper Award and the International Scientific Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Since August 2024 Dr. Dabija serves as a member of the National Commission for the Attestation of University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU) and since November 2024 Dr. Dabija is an associate member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOȘR), Section IX, Economics, Sociology and Juridical Sciences.
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