Personal information

United States


Employment (2)

Purdue University: West Lafayette, IN, US

2020-01 to present | Postdoctoral Researcher (CISTAR - Engineering Education)
Source: Self-asserted source
Joana Marques Melo

Penn State: University Park, PA, US

2012-08-12 to 2019-08-10 | PhD Student (Architectural Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Joana Marques Melo

Education and qualifications (1)

Penn State: University Park, PA, US

2012-08-12 to 2019-08-10 | Ph.D. (Architectural Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Joana Marques Melo

Professional activities (2)

Society of Women Engineers: Chicago, Illinois, US

Source: Self-asserted source
Joana Marques Melo

American Society For Engineering Education: Washington D.C., District of Columbia, US

Source: Self-asserted source
Joana Marques Melo

Works (10)

Career Progression of CISTAR Participants

2021-07 | Conference paper
Contributors: Joana Marques Melo; Maeve Drummond Oakes; Allison Godwin
Source: check_circle

CAREER: Learning from Students’ Identity Trajectories to Actualize Latent Diversity

2021-07 | Conference paper
Contributors: Allison Godwin; Brianna Benedict; Jacqueline Rohde; Herman Clements; Heather Perkins; Joana Marques Melo; Andrea Castillo
Source: check_circle

Work in Progress: Longitudinal Study of Identity-based Motivation of Students Participating in Chemical Engineering Research Center Programs

2021-07 | Conference paper
Contributors: Joana Marques Melo; Allison Godwin
Source: check_circle

An Educational Tool to Optimize the Consumption of Primary Energy in Thermal-based Distributed Energy Systems

2020-06 | Conference paper
Contributors: Joana Marques Melo; Cynthia Howard-Reed; Catherine Berdanier
Source: check_circle

An Educational Tool to Optimize the Consumption of Primary Energy in Thermal-based Distributed Energy Systems

2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference
2020-06 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Joana Marques Melo

Work in Progress: A Delphi Study of Skills and Competencies for the Hydrocarbon Industry

2020-06 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jennifer Cole; Allison Godwin; Joana Marques Melo; Jacqueline Rohde
Source: check_circle

Work in Progress: A Delphi Study of Skills and Competencies for the Hydrocarbon Industry

2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference
2020-06 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Joana Marques Melo

Validating a Short Form Writing Attitudes Survey for Engineering Writers

2019-06 | Conference paper
Contributors: Ellen Zerbe; Catherine Berdanier; Natascha Buswell; Joana Melo
Source: check_circle

Validating a Short Form Writing Attitudes Survey for Engineering Writers

2019-06-15 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Joana Marques Melo

Optimization of Combined Heat and Power based Distributed Energy Systems with Thermal Storage to decrease Primary Energy consumption

Penn State
2019-06-12 | Dissertation or Thesis

Source: Self-asserted source
Joana Marques Melo