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I have a background in nursing with a PhD in psychology. My research interests are related to men's health and wellbeing, perinatal mental health in fathers and the transition to fatherhood. I work closely with practice partners and experts by experience to deliver evidence based high quality teaching, research and service development. I provide training and consultation related to working with fathers during the perinatal period and paternal perinatal mental health.
I am an active researcher, and I am now exploring how my PhD research applies in the New Zealand context. I am always keen to collaborate on projects related to my research interests. Currently I lead a fatherhood research team am collaborating on studies with colleagues in the UK, Australia and New Zealand on topics such as dads in NICU, gay fathers and the service evaluation of a community peer support project in the UK.
I am currently a principal lecturer at Ara Institute of Canterbury with a research informed practice portfolio. I have previously been a senior lecturer in nursing and an academic adviser responsible for the academic development of groups of students at different levels. I have developed and led an integrated master's dissertation module and have also led a public health module undertaken by international students on their BSc in Nursing and Rehabilitation studies. I have supervised several pre-registration and post-registration master's students and have taught public health and the application of sociology and psychology to health at level 4, 5, 6 & 7 (UK levels). I have been involved in the development of curricula including an integrated healthcare degree programme and have taught research methods and qualitative research approaches at L5, 6 & 7 & 8.
I have been part of a community of practice exploring the experiences of practitioners transitioning to academia and have a book chapter in an edited collection published in August 2023.
I am a member of the Royal Society of New Zealand and a member of the Australian Fatherhood Research Consortium.