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Graduation in Agronomy at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS (1987), Master in
Animal Science/Pastoral Science at UFRGS (1992), and Ph.D. Animal Science/Pastoral Science at
Massey University (1998). Currently is Associate Professor at UFRGS and Researcher Scholar of
the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology (CNPq). He supervises PhD and Master Students
at Animal Science Research Program - UFRGS. He participates in international projects between
Brazil, the United States, Italy, Scotland, France, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina and New Zealand. He
coordinates the Sheep Production Teaching and Research Center (CEPOV) and he is a member of
the international project MARCARNE (funded by CYTED). His work focuses on the Animal-Plant
Interface, Sheep Production and Management, Production Systems, Pasture Management, Integrated
Production and Nutrition Systems of Ruminants.