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Works (36)

Engineering omega phase enables a wide temperature range Elinvar effect in metastable β-Ti alloys

Journal of Materials Science & Technology
2025-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Yu Fu; Huabei Peng; Hui Wang; Haoliang Wang; Jun Cheng; Yuhua Wen; Wenlong Xiao; Xinqing Zhao; Chaoli Ma
Source: check_circle

Strain rate sensitivity in a metastable β-Ti alloy with stress-induced martensitic transformation: Role of ω phase on yield strength

Materials Science and Engineering: A
2025-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Yu Fu; Huabei Peng; Wenlong Xiao; Yuhua Wen; Xinqing Zhao; Chaoli Ma
Source: check_circle

Effect of temperature on fracture behavior of Fe-20Mn-5.5Si-8.5Cr-5.5Ni shape memory alloys: An in-situ observation

Materials Science and Engineering: A
2025-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Bo Xu; Beihai Huang; Huabei Peng; Chong Wang; Qingyuan Wang
Source: check_circle

Micro/Nanobiomimetic Iron-Based Scaffold Induces Vascularized Bone Regeneration To Repair Large Segmental Bone Defect in Load-Bearing Sites

ACS Nano
2025-02-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Bo Yuan; Huabei Peng; Yitian Wang; Jingming Li; Yuqi Zhang; Zhikun Chen; Kang Li; Chongqi Tu; Kai Zhang; Xiangdong Zhu et al.
Source: check_circle

Cryogenic deformation strengthening mechanisms in FeMnSiNiAl high-entropy alloys

Acta Materialia
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Yang Zuo; Yu Fu; Renlong Xiong; Huabei Peng; Hui Wang; Yuhua Wen; Seon-Gyu Kim; Donghwa Lee; Hyoung Seop Kim
Source: check_circle

Architectured heterogeneous structure of brittle Co60.6Ni19.5V19.6N0.3 medium-entropy alloy for the strength-ductility improvement

Materials Science and Engineering: A
2024-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Yang Zuo; Huabei Peng; Lixin Sun; Jiabei Zhang; Renlong Xiong; Soung Yeoul Ahn; Yuhua Wen; Hyoung Seop Kim
Source: check_circle

From soft to ultrahard over 1000 HV: Engineering the hardness of FeMnAl(Cu) medium entropy alloys by unlocking the potential of β-Mn precipitation

Acta Materialia
2024-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Yang Zuo; Yu Fu; Renlong Xiong; Lixin Sun; Huabei Peng; Hui Wang; Yuhua Wen; Hyoung Seop Kim
Source: check_circle

Achieving large near-linear elasticity, low modulus, and high strength in a metastable β-Ti alloy by mild cold rolling

Journal of Materials Science & Technology
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Yu Fu; Wenlong Xiao; Jian Rong; Lei Ren; Huabei Peng; Yuhua Wen; Xinqing Zhao; Chaoli Ma
Source: check_circle

Additive manufacturing of high entropy shape memory alloy with outstanding properties through multi-remelting in-situ alloying

Additive Manufacturing
2024-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Jianhua Zeng; Yating Yang; Huabei Peng; Pei Wang; Changyong Liu; Zhangwei Chen; Wen Chen; Xiongjun Liu; Yuan Wu; Zhiyuan Liu et al.
Source: check_circle

Abnormal strain-hardening in Co-rich CoNiV medium-entropy alloys

Scripta Materialia
2024-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Huabei Peng; Lixin Sun; Jiabei Zhang; Yang Zuo; Renlong Xiong; Hui Wang; Yuhua Wen; Hyoung Seop Kim
Source: check_circle

Abnormal grain growth induced by δ → γ phase transformation in Fe-based shape memory alloys

Journal of Materials Science & Technology
2024-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Huabei Peng; Liqiu Yong; Gaixia Wang; Jiazhen Yan; Bing Xu; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Larger recovery strains in a CoNiSi alloy due to enhanced reversibility of FCC⇌HCP martensitic transformation

Journal of Materials Research and Technology
2024-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Q. Liao; D. Wang; X. Yang; W. He; H.B. Peng; Y.H. Wen
Source: check_circle

Effect of cyclic heat treatment on abnormal grain growth in Fe-Mn-Al-based shape memory alloys with different Ni contents

Journal of Materials Science & Technology
2023-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Huabei Peng; Liqiu Yong; Yang Zuo; Jiazhen Yan; Hui Wang; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Simultaneously improving memory effect and mechanical properties in Cu-based alloys by α phase spheroidization and Fe alloying: A CuAlMnFe as an example

Materials Science and Engineering: A
2023-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Siqi Li; Yinqiang Huang; Li Cai; Huabei Peng; Jiazhen Yan; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Development of Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni shape memory alloy with ultrahigh mechanical properties and large recovery strain by laser powder bed fusion

Journal of Materials Science & Technology
2023-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiao Yang; Lijin Cheng; Huabei Peng; Bingnan Qian; Lei Yang; Yunsong Shi; Annan Chen; Zhengyan Zhang; Libin Zhao; Ning Hu et al.
Source: check_circle

Effect of Ni alloying on vacancy behavior and damping capacity in martensitic ductile Cu–Al–Mn alloys

Journal of Materials Research and Technology
2023-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Li Cai; Yongning Wang; Wen Huang; Wei He; Huabei Peng; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Effect of solidification modes on the shape memory effect of cast Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni shape memory alloys

Journal of Materials Research and Technology
2023-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Wenhao Pan; Huabei Peng; Yangyang Du; Jie Chen; Jiazhen Yan; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Correlation between shape memory effect and density of annealing twin boundary in an FeMnSiCrNi alloy during special heat treatments with different parameters

Materials Science and Engineering: A
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Qiang Luo; Haoguang Wen; Dengxue Bu; Huabei Peng; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Evolution of shape memory effect with aging time during aging after pre-strain in Fe–Mn–Si–Cr–Ni–C shape memory alloys

Materials Science and Engineering: A
2022-09 | Journal article
Contributors: H.B. Peng; J.B. Zhang; L.X. Sun; F. Song; X.G. An; H. Wang; Y.H. Wen
Source: check_circle

Effect of Mo Alloying on the Precipitation Behavior of B2 Nano-Particles in Fe-Mn-Al-Ni Shape Memory Alloys

2022-01-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Liqiu Yong; Yang Zuo; Lixin Sun; Huabei Peng; Xuguang An; Hui Wang; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Grain boundary character and stress corrosion cracking behavior of Co-Cr alloy fabricated by selective laser melting

Journal of Materials Science & Technology
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Xin Dong; Ning Li; Yanan Zhou; Huabei Peng; Yuntao Qu; Qi Sun; Haojiang Shi; Rui Li; Sheng Xu; Jiazhen Yan
Source: check_circle

Reason for negative effect of Nb addition on oxidation resistance of alumina-forming austenitic stainless steel at 1323 K

Corrosion Science
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Lin Shen; Bingjie Wu; Kai Zhao; Huabei Peng; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Designing damping capacity in high strength Fe–Mn based alloys by controlling crystal defect configurations

Philosophical Magazine
2021-08-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Ji Zhang; Yongning Wang; Qiang Luo; Huabei Peng; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Remarkable improvement of damping capacity in FeMn-based alloys by a long annealing

Materials Science and Technology
2020-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Wei He; Qiang Luo; Huabei Peng; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Tuning δ → γ transformation types to relieve mechanical property degradation in a Co-free face-centered cubic metastable high-entropy alloy

2020-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Huabei Peng; Liqiu Yong; Gaixia Wang; Hui Wang; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Effect of up-quenching time on damping capacity in a ductile Cu-16.59Al-10.55Mn shape memory alloy

Materials Research Express
2019-07-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Wen Huang; Yongning Wang; Huabei Peng; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Significant improvement of shape memory effect in Co-Ni-based alloys through Si alloying

Journal of Alloys and Compounds
2019-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Dian Wang; Xiao Yang; Qi Liao; Huabei Peng; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Effects of heat treatment on martensitic transformation and wear resistance of as-cast 60NiTi alloy

Materials Research Express
2019-05-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Shile Bao; Lanhui Zhang; Huabei Peng; Qichao Fan; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Enhancement of strength-ductility combination in recovery-annealed Fe–Mn–C twinning-induced plasticity steels by Si alloying

Materials Research Express
2018-06-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Jungang Feng; Huamei Zhao; Huabei Peng; Gaixia Wang; Lanhui Zhang; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Effects of annealing on hardness and corrosion resistance of 60NiTi film deposited by magnetron sputtering

Journal of Alloys and Compounds
2018-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Lanhui Zhang; Huabei Peng; Qiuhui Qin; Qichao Fan; Shile Bao; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

A novel sandwich Fe-Mn damping alloy with ferrite shell prepared by vacuum annealing

Smart Materials and Structures
2018-04-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Bingnan Qian; Huabei Peng; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Effect of second phase precipitation on martensitic transformation and hardness in highly Ni-rich NiTi alloys

Journal of Alloys and Compounds
2018-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Qiuhui Qin; Huabei Peng; Qichao Fan; Lanhui Zhang; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Key Factors Achieving Large Recovery Strains in Polycrystalline Fe–Mn–Si‐Based Shape Memory Alloys: A Review

Advanced Engineering Materials
2018-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Huabei Peng; Jie Chen; Yongning Wang; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Shape recovery increase in a Co-Al-W alloy realized by stress-induced hcp martensitic transformation after strengthening matrix

Journal of Alloys and Compounds
2017-02 | Journal article
Contributors: X. Yang; B.J. Wu; H.B. Peng; Y.H. Wen
Source: check_circle

Relationship between martensitic reversibility and different nano-phases in a FeMnAlNi shape memory alloy

Materials Characterization
2016-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Pan Huang; Huabei Peng; Shanling Wang; Tiannan Zhou; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Relationship among grain size, annealing twins and shape memory effect in Fe–Mn–Si based shape memory alloys

Smart Materials and Structures
2016-07-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Gaixia Wang; Huabei Peng; Chengyan Zhang; Shanling Wang; Yuhua Wen
Source: check_circle

Peer review (68 reviews for 19 publications/grants)

Review activity for Additive manufacturing. (1)
Review activity for Applied materials today. (2)
Review activity for China Foundry. (3)
Review activity for Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. (1)
Review activity for Composites. (3)
Review activity for Construction & building materials. (1)
Review activity for Corrosion science. (2)
Review activity for Current applied physics. (1)
Review activity for Engineering failure analysis. (5)
Review activity for Journal of alloys and compounds. (3)
Review activity for Journal of Iron and Steel Research International. (1)
Review activity for Journal of Materials Research and Technology. (6)
Review activity for Journal of Materials Science and Technology. (13)
Review activity for Materials and design. (2)
Review activity for Materials characterization. (4)
Review activity for Materials chemistry and physics. (1)
Review activity for Materials letters. (6)
Review activity for Materials science & engineering. (11)
Review activity for Scripta materialia. (2)