Personal information
Dr. Daniel Leonardo Piskorz was born in Rosario city, Argentina, on December 14th, 1957. I am married to Alicia Susana and I am father of Ignacio, also medical doctor, and Gonzalo, systems engineer. I obtained my medical doctor degree at the Medical College of the Rosario National University, Argentina, on December 15th, 1982 and specialized in cardiology at the Rosario Emergency Hospital “Dr. Clemente Alvarez”. I was matriculated as cardiologist at Santa Fe 2nd Circumscription Medical College on November 10th, 1988 and as echocardiography specialist level three on July 4th, 1991. In October 11th, 2013 the Latinamerican Society of Hypertension granted me the title of Hypertension Specialist. I have been speaker at many international meetings developed in London, Rome, Milano, Sidney, Washington, Anaheim, Chicago, Barcelona, Istanbul, Kyoto and almost all main latinamerican cities. I have published approximately 150 original papers and reviews as main author in peer review national and international indexed journals and five books “Hypertension, epidemiology, physiology, physiopathology and treatment” on 2013, and “Cardiometabolism, from physiopathology to treatment” on 2014, the second edition on 2017, third edition in 2019 and fourth edition on 2022. I was the 2011 – 2013 President of the Argentina Hypertension Society and 2017 President of the Argentina Cardiology Federation, and I was member of the Board of Directors of the Latin-American Hypertension Society from 2013 to 2019 and from 2022, 2018-2020 Coordinator of the Epidemiology and Cardiovascular Prevention Council of the Interamerican Society of Cardiology, and 2019 Governor of the Argentina Chapter of the American College of Cardiology. Actually, I am Deputy Chair of the International Society of Hypertension America´s Regional Group, Member-at-Large of the Interamerican Heart Foundation, Argentina Governor of the Interamerican Society of Hypertension and Argentina Governor of the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. I am member of the International Society of Hypertension, Overseas Affiliated Member of the British and Irish Hypertension Society, Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, Fellow of the Interamerican Society of Cardiology and Emeritus Member of the Spanish Cardiology Society. My main point of interest is hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
Address: Central Argentino 144 - 2000 Rosario - Argentina
Phone: +54 - 0341 - 4382884
Mobile phone: +54 – 9 - 341 – 5 - 416828