Personal information
My name is Cheng Li (李成), born 1978 in Hubei Province, China. I live in Shanghai with my wife Fengyun and son Yi. Currently I am an astronomer at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory. I completed my studies at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) with a Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics in 2000 and received a PhD in Astrophysics from the Center for Astrophysics (CfA) at USTC in 2006. After that I started my life as a postdoc, holding a joint postdoctorial fellow between SHAO and Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), Garching, Germany. I left the MPA in September 2010, and came to Shanghai to start my current position as a Bairen research professor at SHAO since October 1, 2010.
My research interests include the structure, formation and evolution of galaxies, galaxy clustering and the large-scale distribution of galaxies, relationship between interactions, star formation and AGN activity, and numerical simulations of the formation of galaxies. Over the past 10 years I has been focusing my research on understanding the physical link between galaxies and dark matter halos, through statistically measuring the spatial and velocity distributions of different types of galaxies and comparing my observational results with predictions of current semi-analytic models of galaxy formation and halo occupation distribution models.
I am currently involved in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-IV project, serving as the Lead Scientist at SHAO for the science collaborations between SHAO and the SDSS-IV. My main interest with SDSS-IV is a better understanding of the star formation quenching processes occurring in local galaxies, expected to be archived based on the 2D maps of recent star formation histories being observed by the SDSS-IV/MaNGA survey. I'm also interested in measuring the clustering of galaxies at z~1 in the eBOSS survey and the constraints on galaxy formation and evolution models.
Employment (4)
Education and qualifications (2)
Works (27)