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Professor Peter Coveney holds a Chair in Physical Chemistry and is Director of the Centre for Computational Science (CCS), an Honorary Professor in Computer Science and a member of CoMPLEX at UCL. He is also Professor Adjunct within the Medical School at Yale University, and Director of the UCL Computational Life & Medical Sciences Network ( Coveney is active in a broad area of interdisciplinary theoretical research including condensed matter physics and chemistry, materials science, life and medical sciences including collaborations with clinicians. Coveney is PI of the EU funded Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) Network of Excellence; he is also a PI on the EPSRC Cross-Disciplinary Landscape Award on a New Approach to Science at the Life-Science Interface. He has held and holds a large number of EPSRC and EU grants, including that as PI of the RealityGrid e-Science project and its extension as a Platform Grant; inter alia, he also led the GENIUS project, developing lattice-Boltzmann fluid simulation techniques to model patient-specific brain blood flow in support of clinical decision making. He is a PI on the newly established, Medical Reearch Council funded, UCL led Health e-Research Centre. He has been the recipient of several major US NSF and DoE funded supercomputing grants, and similar ones in Europe. Coveney is the recipient of an HPC Challenge Award (Supercomputing 2003), an HPC Analytics Challenge Award (SC05), and International Supercomputing Conference Awards (2004 and 2006). He is a founding editor of the Journal of Computational Science and to date has published more than 300 scientific papers and books including two best-selling popular science books (The Arrow of Time andFrontiers of Complexity, both with Roger Highfield). He is a founding member of the UK Government's E-Infrastructure Leadership Council and is a Medical Academy Nominated Representative on the UK Prime Minister's Council for Science & Technology Working Group on Data, Algorithms and Modelling. He is also a member of the London Centre for the Theory and Simulation of Materials, The Thomas Young Centre.