Personal information
Bernhard STROBL, Male, MSc (Dipl.-Ing.) is the Thematic Coordinator/Senior Engineer and Research Project Manager working in AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Digital Safety and Security since 1987. He studied computer science at the technical university Vienna and has successfully applied his skills in various national and international projects. He was involved in specification, implementation and project management of several projects for building hardware and software for video encoding, decoding, biometric recognition, transmission and storage.
At the moment he manages the AIT internal research field “Digital Identity Management” with a special focus on contactless biometrics. For AIT he applied for several patents (contactless fingerprint capturing, video encoding, 3D capturing) He has coordinated EU funded FP7 projects (e.g MobilePass) and national funded projects (e.g. BioCapture, SECRECT). In these projects he gained expert level and detailed knowledge of border control processes, biometric identification and verification processes and knowledge about mechanisms of police checks (concerning new interoperability (IO) regulations) and ICAO/NIST recommendations for identification.
Within AIT and at international level he provides overall strategic guidance of industry-oriented R&D activities within the area of identity management, biometrics, embedded video analysis and coordination across projects: methodologies, technologies, tooling, SW-, HW-Modules. He is member in the DIACC - a non-profit coalition of public and private sector leaders for Digital Identification and Authentication Council of Canada. He is an expert member in the CENELEC standardisation Technical Committee 224 Working Group 18 “Biometric application profiles for law enforcement and border control authorities using portable identification systems”.