Personal information

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Born 1975 in northen Sweden (Holmsund).


Employment (1)

Psychology Department, Uppsala Universitet: Uppsala, SE

2010-01-01 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Pär Nyström

Education and qualifications (2)

Psychology: Uppsala, SE

2003-08-01 to 2008-08-01
Source: Self-asserted source
Pär Nyström

IDA: Linköping, SE

1998-08-01 to 2003-08-01
Source: Self-asserted source
Pär Nyström

Works (10)

Infant responses to direct gaze and associations to autism: A live eye-tracking study

2024-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Maja Rudling; Pär Nyström; Giorgia Bussu; Sven Bölte; Terje Falck-Ytter
Source: check_circle

Remote, tablet-based assessment of gaze following: a nationwide infant twin study

2023-01-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Frederick Shic; Kelsey Dommer; Jessica Benton; Beibin Li; James C. Snider; Pär Nyström; Terje Falck-Ytter
Source: check_circle

Remote, tablet-based assessment of gaze following: a nationwide infant twin study

2023-01-12 | Preprint
Contributors: Frederick Shic; Kelsey Dommer; Jessica Benton; Beibin Li; James C. Snider; Pär Nyström; Terje Falck-Ytter
Source: check_circle

What are you looking at? Gaze following with and without target objects in ASD and typical development

2022-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Emilia Thorup; Pär Nyström; Sven Bölte; Terje Falck-Ytter
Source: check_circle

Development of the pupillary light reflex from 9 to 24 months: association with common autism spectrum disorder (ASD) genetic liability and 3‐year ASD diagnosis

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
2021-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Laurel A. Fish; Pär Nyström; Teodora Gliga; Anna Gui; Jannath Begum Ali; Luke Mason; Shruti Garg; Jonathan Green; Mark H. Johnson; Tony Charman et al.
Source: check_circle

Atypical Topographical Organization of Global Form and Motion Processing in 5-Month-Old Infants at Risk for Autism

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
2021-01-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Pär Nyström; Emily Jones; Fahimeh Darki; Sven Bölte; Terje Falck-Ytter
Source: check_circle

Motor atypicalities in infancy are associated with general developmental level at 2 years, but not autistic symptoms

2020-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Sheila Achermann; Pär Nyström; Sven Bölte; Terje Falck-Ytter
Source: check_circle

Sex Differences in Social Attention in Infants at Risk for Autism.

Journal of autism and developmental disorders
2018-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Kleberg JL; Nyström P; Bölte S; Falck-Ytter T
Source: Self-asserted source
Pär Nyström via Europe PubMed Central

Reduced Alternating Gaze During Social Interaction in Infancy is Associated with Elevated Symptoms of Autism in Toddlerhood.

Journal of abnormal child psychology
2018-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Thorup E; Nyström P; Gredebäck G; Bölte S; Falck-Ytter T; EASE Team
Source: Self-asserted source
Pär Nyström via Europe PubMed Central

Responding to Other People’s Direct Gaze: Alterations in Gaze Behavior in Infants at Risk for Autism Occur on Very Short Timescales

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
2017-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Pär Nyström; Sven Bölte; Terje Falck-Ytter
Source: check_circle