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Prof. Dr. John Neidhardt
Human Genetics
Faculty VI - School of Medicine and Health Sciences University of Oldenburg
Ammerländer Heerstrasse 114-118
26129 Oldenburg
Tel: +49 (0)441 7983800 / -3810
1992 A-Level, Hamburg, Germany.
1998 Diploma degree in Biochemistry, University of Hannover, Germany
Dissertation, additional studies, habilitation:
2002 Certificate in Molecular Biology, University of Hamburg, Germany.
2002 PhD degree (summa cum laude), Dr. rer nat.
2011 Venia Legendi in Medical Molecular Genetics, University of Zurich, Switzerland
1997 Internship, University of Berkeley, Dep. of Plant and Microbial Biology, CA, USA
2002 Postdoc at the Center of Molecular Neurobiology Hamburg, Germany
2003 Group leader, Institute of Medical Molecular Genetics, University of Zurich, CH
2011 Deputy head, Institute of Medical Molecular Genetics, University of Zürich, CH
2014 Full Professor, Human Genetics, University of Oldenburg, Germany