Personal information

Verified email addresses

pedestrian, bicyclist, safety, Vision Zero, micromobility, Safe System
United States


Employment (2)

Safe Streets Research & Consulting, LLC: Portland, Oregon, US

2019-04-29 to present | Founder and Principal Investigator
Source: Self-asserted source
Rebecca L. Sanders

Arizona State University: Tempe, AZ, US

2019-01-07 to 2021-05-06 | Assistant Research Professor (School of Geography and Urban Planning)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rebecca L. Sanders

Education and qualifications (1)

University of California Berkeley: Berkeley, CA, US

2008-08 to 2013-08 | PhD (City & Regional Planning)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rebecca L. Sanders

Professional activities (2)

Transportation Research Board: Washington, D.C., US

Appointed At-Large Member (Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and Human Factors Section)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Rebecca L. Sanders

Transportation Research Board: Washington, DC, US

2021-04-15 to 2024-04-14 | Chair, Bicycle Transportation Committee
Source: Self-asserted source
Rebecca L. Sanders