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Employment (3)

Murcian Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Development (IMIDA): Murcia, Murcia, ES

2019-03-22 to present | Postdoctoral researcher (plant production and agrotechnology department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche Escuela Politécnica Superior de Orihuela: Orihuela, Comunidad valenciana, ES

2017-01-02 to 2018-12-31 | Postdoctoral fellow (Agrifood Technology Department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Cebas-CSIC: Murcia, MURCIA, ES

2012-01-02 to 2015-12-31 | Predoctoral fellow (Irrigation department and Food Science Technology department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Education and qualifications (2)

Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche - Campus De Orihuela: Orihuela, comunidad Valenciana, ES

2012-01-02 to 2015-12-21 | Doctorate (Agrifood Technology Department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Polytechnic University of Cartagena: Cartagena, ES

2010-09 to 2011-12-16 | Master in Environmental Engineering, Chemical and Biotechnological Processes (Environmental Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Professional activities (6)

University Miguel Hernández in Elche (UMH): Orihuela, Valencian Community, ES

Extraordinary Prize for Doctoral Thesis (Agrifood Technology Department)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Official College of Chemists of the Region of Murcia: Murcia, Region de Murcia, ES: Murcia, Murcia, ES

Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Escuela Tecnica Superior del Medio Rural y Enologia: Valencia, ES

2022-12-02 to 2022-12-02 | Participant at the thesis tribunal of the Doctorate on Biotechnology: Rediscovering pepper, eggplant and lettuce landraces of the Valencian Community; an ancient resource with vast potential for the future
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

National Science Center: Krakow, PL

2022-09-23 to 2022-10-12 | Evaluator of PRELUDIUM grant proposals for the National Science Center
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena: Cartagena, Murcia, ES

2018-07-24 to 2018-07-24 | Member of the Doctoral Thesis Tribunal: "Identification and quantification of phytoprostanes in almonds and walnuts, as markers of oxidative stress during their harvest and conservation"
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

2nd Global Summit on Nutritional Science and Food Chemistry: Valencia, ES

2018-05-24 | Invited speaker at 2nd Global Summit on Nutritional Science and Food Chemistry (Nutritional Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Funding (12)

Nuevas estrategias para la mejora, sostenibilidad y competitividad en el uso del agua para la agricultura

2025-01 to 2027-12 | Award
Fundación Séneca - Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia (Murcia, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Ayudas a contratos Ramón y Cajal (RYC 2021)

2023-01 to 2027-12 | Contract
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Madrid, Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Development of research and demonstration activities to minimize the leaching of nitrates as a consequence of agricultural activity" (FEDER 1420-30).

Analytical laboratory of bioactive compounds (volatile and non-volatile) in agricultural, agri-environmental and food matrices (EQC2018-004170-P)

Study of the bioactive composition and antioxidant activity of quince, almonds and pistachio grown under regulated deficit irrigation. Grants for Individual projects for mobility by the Miguel Hernández university in Elche

2018-09 to 2018-11 | Salary award
Fundación Miguel Alemán, A.C. (Orihuela, Valencian Community, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Study of the microbiological and antioxidant activity of Herbero liqueurs. Grants for Individual projects for mobility by the Miguel Hernández university in Elche

2017-09 to 2017-11 | Salary award
University Miguel Hernández in Elche (Orihuela, Valencian Community, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Juan de la Cierva-Formación

2017-01 to 2018-12 | Grant
Research Agency of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) (Orihuela, Valencian Community, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Hydrosustainable products: identification of weaknesses and strengths, processing optimization, creation of own brand, and study of its acceptance in the European market (HZ0046IP)

2016-12 to 2019-12 | Contract
University Miguel Hernández in Elche (Orihuela, Valencian Community, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

New criteria for deficit irrigation in pomegranate. Evaluation of the quality and functionality of hydro-sustainable products and their acceptance in the national and international market (CICYT/FEDER AGL2013-45922-C2-2-R)

2014-01 to 2017-12 | Contract
University Miguel Hernández (UMH) (Orihuela, Valencian Community, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Deficit irrigation management strategies to optimize the quality and health of extra-early peach and pomegranate” (CICYT/FEDER AGL2010-19201-C04-01AGR)

2011-01 to 2013-12 | Salary award
Centre for Edaphology and Biology applied to Segura (CSIC). (Murcia, Murcia, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Leonardo Da Vinci Grant

2010-03 to 2010-06 | Grant
Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MECD) (Madrid, Madrid, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Actions for the strengthening and consolidation of a research group of excellence at INCA-UNAH (Cuba) on optimization of water use in agriculture (A1/035430/11)

2009-01 to 2012-12 | Contract
Centre for Edaphology and Biology applied to Segura (CSIC) (Murcia, Murcia, ES)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jacinta Collado González

Peer review (28 reviews for 8 publications/grants)

Review activity for Agriculture. (3)
Review activity for Current research in food science. (1)
Review activity for Food chemistry. (6)
Review activity for Food chemistry. (13)
Review activity for Foods. (2)
Review activity for Journal of plant growth regulation. (1)
Review activity for Plants. (1)
Review activity for PloS one. (1)