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Prof. Karim Lekadir is ICREA Research Professor and Director of the Intelligence Artificial in Medicine Lab at the Universitat de Barcelona. He received a PhD in Medical Image Computing from Imperial College London and was a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University. His current research focuses on the development of new medical AI tools from complex biomedical data, such as medical imaging, clinical and environmental data. He is particularly interested in trustworthy AI and related methods such as domain adaptation, bias correction, uncertainty estimation and federated learning. He has been the Project Coordinator of several Horizon 2020 projects (euCanSHare, EarlyCause, EuCanImage, DataTools4Heart, RadioVal). In addition, he has been awarded a research grant from the European Research Council (ERC Consolidator Grant) to develop new AI approaches for accessible medical imaging in low-to-middle income countries. He is General Chair of MICCAI 2024, the first edition to take place in Africa.
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