Personal information

Pleural disease, Pneumothorax


Dr Rob Hallifax is a Respiratory Consultant and Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, having completed an NIHR Academic Clinical Lectureship. He studied an MSc in Natural Sciences in Cambridge before training in medicine at the University of Oxford. He won an MRC Clinical Training Fellowship for his DPhil: "Understanding Pneumothorax: epidemiology, physiology and outcomes".

Dr Hallifax was the trial coordinator for RAMPP (Randomised Ambulatory Management of Primary Pneumothorax) - the largest primary pneumothorax trial in Europe. He has recently published on pneumothorax in JAMA and Lancet.

His Twitter handle is #DrHallifax


Employment (1)

University of Oxford: Oxford, Oxfordshire, GB

(NDM Experimental Medicine; Medical Sciences Office)
Source: check_circle
ORCID Integration at the University of Oxford

Education and qualifications (6)

University of Oxford: Oxford, Oxfordshire, GB

2015-02-01 to 2018-05-01 | D Phil: Understanding Pneumothorax (Nuffield Department of Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Tropical Epidemiology Group: London, London, GB

2015-06-01 to 2016-08-01 | Statistical Methods in Epidemiology (Distance Learning course) (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

University of Oxford: Oxford, Oxfordshire, GB

2012-07-01 to 2014-07-01 | Post-Graduate Diploma in Health Research (Department of Continuing Education)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

Royal College of Physicians: London, GB

2011-07-01 | MRCP: Membership of Royal College of Physicians (Royal College of Physicians)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

University of Oxford: Oxford, Oxfordshire, GB

2004-09-01 to 2008-07-01 | BMBCh: Graduate Entry Medical Degree (Medical Sciences Division)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, GB

1997-09-01 to 2001-07-01 | 1st Class MSc: Natural Sciences (Natural Sciences Department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

Professional activities (10)

European Respiratory Society: Lausanne, CH

2021-07-01 to present | Member of Pneumothorax Guideline writing committee (European Respiratory Society)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

British Thoracic Society: London, GB

2021-02-01 to present | Associate Editor of Thorax (British Thoracic Society)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

British Thoracic Society: London, GB

2019-06-01 to present | Member of Pleural Guidelines writing committee (British Thoracic Society)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

British Thoracic Society: London, GB

2015-06-01 to present | Member (British Thoracic Society)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

University of Oxford: Oxford, Oxfordshire, GB

2015-02-01 to present | Non-stipendiary Lecturer (University College)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

Royal College of Physicians: London, GB

2011-07-01 to present | Member (Royal College of Physicians)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

British Medical Association: London, GB

2020-10-01 | Finalist in BMJ Respiratory Team Award for RAMPP team 2020 (British Medical Journal (BMJ))
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

Royal College of Physicians: London, GB

2020-06-01 | Turner-Warwick lecturer (Royal College of Physicians)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

National Institute for Health Research: London, -, GB

2017-06-01 | Health Research Award Best “Green Shoots” Researcher (Thames Valley)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

University of Oxford: Oxford, Oxfordshire, GB

2008-06-01 | Medical Education (Medical Sciences Division)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

Funding (7)

Randomised Trial of Suction for Pneumothorax Early Resolution (RASPER)

2022-05 to 2026-05 | Grant
National Institute for Health Research (London, GB)


Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

Using the Person-Based Approach to Develop a Resource for Healthcare Professionals to Facilitate Family-Centred Conversations when an Adult Patient has a Serious Illness

2022-04 to present | Grant
National Institute for Health Research (London, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

Conservative Management of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax (CONSEPT) trial

2022-03 to 2026-10 | Grant
National Institute for Health Research (London, GB)


Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

Medical Sciences Internal Fund

2019-07 to 2022-07 | Grant
University of Oxford (Oxford, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

Oxfordshire Health Services Research Committee

2019-06 to 2022-06 | Grant
Oxfordshire Health Services (Oxford, -, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

NIHR Academic Clinical Lectureship

2018-02 to present | Salary award
National Institute for Health Research (London, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax

Understanding the physiology of pneumothorax and clinical predictors of outcome

2015-02-04 to 2018-02-03 | Grant
Medical Research Council (London, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via DimensionsWizard

Works (50 of 67)

Items per page:
Page 1 of 2

Challenging the Paradigm of Persistent Air Leak: Are We Prolonging the Problem?

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine
2022-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Walker SP; Hallifax R; Rahman NM; Maskell NA
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Cost-effectiveness of ambulatory care management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax: an open-label, randomised controlled trial.

2022-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Luengo-Fernandez R; Landeiro F; Hallifax R; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Pneumomediastinum in COVID-19: a phenotype of severe COVID-19 pneumonitis? The results of the United Kingdom (POETIC) survey.

The European respiratory journal
2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Melhorn J; Achaiah A; Conway FM; Thompson EMF; Skyllberg EW; Durrant J; Hasan NA; Madani Y; Naran P; Vijayakumar B et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Pneumothorax management: current state of practice in the UK.

Respiratory research
2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax RJ; Roberts M; Russell N; Laskawiec-Szkonter M; Walker SP; Maskell NA; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Aetiology of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax.

Journal of clinical medicine
2022-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax R
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

A randomised controlled trial of intrapleural balloon intercostal chest drains to prevent drain displacement.

The European respiratory journal
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Mercer RM; Mishra E; Banka R; Corcoran JP; Daneshvar C; Panchal RK; Saba T; Caswell M; Johnstone S; Menzies D et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax: less is more - Authors' reply.

Lancet (London, England)
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax RJ; Walker S; Walters J; Maskell N; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Improved COVID-19 outcomes in a large non-invasive respiratory support cohort despite emergence of the alpha variant.

BMJ open respiratory research
2021-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Turnbull CD; Porter BML; Evans SB; Smith O; Lardner R; Hallifax R; Bettinson HV; Talbot NP; Bafadhel M; Rahman NM et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Role of thoracic ultrasonography in pleurodesis pathways for malignant pleural effusions (SIMPLE): an open-label, randomised controlled trial.

The Lancet. Respiratory medicine
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Psallidas I; Hassan M; Yousuf A; Duncan T; Khan SL; Blyth KG; Evison M; Corcoran JP; Barnes S; Reddy R et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Ambulatory management of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax: a randomised controlled trial.

The European respiratory journal
2021-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Walker SP; Keenan E; Bintcliffe O; Stanton AE; Roberts M; Pepperell J; Fairbairn I; McKeown E; Goldring J; Maddekar N et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

European Respiratory Society statement on thoracic ultrasound.

The European respiratory journal
2021-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Laursen CB; Clive A; Hallifax R; Pietersen PI; Asciak R; Davidsen JR; Bhatnagar R; Bedawi EO; Jacobsen N; Coleman C et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Prospective validation of the RAPID clinical risk prediction score in adult patients with pleural infection: the PILOT study.

The European respiratory journal
2020-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Corcoran JP; Psallidas I; Gerry S; Piccolo F; Koegelenberg CF; Saba T; Daneshvar C; Fairbairn I; Heinink R; West A et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Critical analysis of the utility of initial pleural aspiration in the diagnosis and management of suspected malignant pleural effusion.

BMJ open respiratory research
2020-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Mercer RM; Varatharajah R; Shepherd G; Lu Q; Castro-Añón O; McCracken DJ; Dudina A; Addala D; Tsikrika S; George V et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Patient-derived malignant pleural mesothelioma cell cultures: a tool to advance biomarker-driven treatments.

2020-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Kanellakis NI; Asciak R; Hamid MA; Yao X; McCole M; McGowan S; Seraia E; Hatch S; Hallifax RJ; Mercer RM et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Successful awake proning is associated with improved clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19: single-centre high-dependency unit experience.

BMJ open respiratory research
2020-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax RJ; Porter BM; Elder PJ; Evans SB; Turnbull CD; Turnbull CD; Hynes G; Lardner R; Archer K; Bettinson HV et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Ambulatory management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax: an open-label, randomised controlled trial.

Lancet (London, England)
2020-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax RJ; McKeown E; Sivakumar P; Fairbairn I; Peter C; Leitch A; Knight M; Stanton A; Ijaz A; Marciniak S et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Management of solitary fibrous tumours of the pleura: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

ERJ open research
2020-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Mercer RM; Wigston C; Banka R; Cardillo G; Benamore R; Nicholson AG; Asciak R; Hassan M; Hallifax RJ; Wing L et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Intercostal vessel screening prior to pleural interventions by the respiratory physician: a prospective study of real world practice.

The European respiratory journal
2020-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Bedawi EO; Talwar A; Hassan M; McCracken DJ; Asciak R; Mercer RM; Kanellakis NI; Gleeson FV; Hallifax RJ; Wrightson JM et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Clinically important associations of pleurodesis success in malignant pleural effusion: Analysis of the TIME1 data set.

Respirology (Carlton, Vic.)
2019-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Mercer RM; Macready J; Jeffries H; Speck N; Kanellakis NI; Maskell NA; Pepperell J; Saba T; West A; Ali N et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Biological effect of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and DNase intrapleural delivery in pleural infection patients.

BMJ open respiratory research
2019-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Kanellakis NI; Wrightson JM; Hallifax R; Bedawi EO; Mercer R; Hassan M; Asciak R; Hedley E; Dobson M; Dong T et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Pneumothorax-Time for New Guidelines?

Seminars in respiratory and critical care medicine
2019-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax R; Janssen JP
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Randomised Ambulatory Management of Primary Pneumothorax (RAMPP): protocol of an open-label, randomised controlled trial.

BMJ open respiratory research
2019-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax R; Laskawiec-Szkonter M; Dobson M; Gerry S; Miller RF; Harvey JE; Rahman N
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Prospective Analysis of the Predictive Value of Sonographic Pleural Fluid Echogenicity for the Diagnosis of Exudative Effusion.

Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases
2019-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Asciak R; Hassan M; Mercer RM; Hallifax RJ; Wrightson JM; Psallidas I; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Does attempting talc pleurodesis affect subsequent indwelling pleural catheter (IPC)-related non-draining septated pleural effusion and IPC-related spontaneous pleurodesis?

ERJ open research
2019-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Asciak R; Mercer RM; Hallifax RJ; Hassan M; Bedawi E; McCracken D; Kanellakis NI; Wrightson JM; Psallidas I; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Predicting outcomes in primary spontaneous pneumothorax using air leak measurements.

2018-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax RJ; Laskawiec-Szkonter M; Rahman NM; RAMPP Trial collaborators
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Trends in the Incidence and Recurrence of Inpatient-Treated Spontaneous Pneumothorax, 1968-2016.

2018-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax RJ; Goldacre R; Landray MJ; Rahman NM; Goldacre MJ
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Activity and Outcomes From a Dedicated Pleural On-Call Service.

2018-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Asciak R; Hallifax RJ; Mercer RM; Hassan M; Bradley C; Corcoran JP; Wrightson JM; Psallidas I; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

The Hospital and Patient Burden of Indwelling Pleural Catheters: A Retrospective Case Series of 210 Indwelling Pleural Catheter Insertions.

Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases
2018-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Asciak R; Hallifax RJ; Mercer RM; Hassan M; Wigston C; Wrightson JM; Psallidas I; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Thoracic Ultrasound as an Early Predictor of Pleurodesis Success in Malignant Pleural Effusion.

2018-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Corcoran JP; Hallifax RJ; Mercer RM; Yousuf A; Asciak R; Hassan M; Piotrowska HE; Psallidas I; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Providing safe and effective pleural medicine services in the UK: an aspirational statement from UK pleural physicians.

BMJ open respiratory research
2018-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Evison M; Blyth KG; Bhatnagar R; Corcoran J; Saba T; Duncan T; Hallifax R; Ahmed L; West A; Pepperell JCT et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Chest Drain Fall-Out Rate According to Suturing Practices: A Retrospective Direct Comparison.

Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases
2018-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Asciak R; Addala D; Karimjee J; Rana MS; Tsikrika S; Hassan MF; Mercer RM; Hallifax RJ; Wrightson JM; Psallidas I et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Development and validation of response markers to predict survival and pleurodesis success in patients with malignant pleural effusion (PROMISE): a multicohort analysis.

The Lancet. Oncology
2018-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Psallidas I; Kanellakis NI; Gerry S; Thézénas ML; Charles PD; Samsonova A; Schiller HB; Fischer R; Asciak R; Hallifax RJ et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

A Pilot Feasibility Study in Establishing the Role of Ultrasound-Guided Pleural Biopsies in Pleural Infection (The AUDIO Study).

2018-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Psallidas I; Kanellakis NI; Bhatnagar R; Ravindran R; Yousuf A; Edey AJ; Mercer RM; Corcoran JP; Hallifax RJ; Asciak R et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Randomized Controlled Trial of Urokinase versus Placebo for Nondraining Malignant Pleural Effusion.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine
2018-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Mishra EK; Clive AO; Wills GH; Davies HE; Stanton AE; Al-Aloul M; Hart-Thomas A; Pepperell J; Evison M; Saba T et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Thoracic involvement in IgG4-related disease in a UK-based patient cohort.

Respiratory medicine
2017-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Corcoran JP; Culver EL; Anstey RM; Talwar A; Manganis CD; Cargill TN; Hallifax RJ; Psallidas I; Rahman NM; Barnes E
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Pleural Diseases: Saline Irrigation in Pleural Infection, Epidemiology of Pneumothorax, and Bevacizumab in Mesothelioma.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine
2017-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Corcoran JP; Hallifax RJ; Psallidas I; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Assessment of patient-reported outcome measures in pleural interventions.

BMJ open respiratory research
2017-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Psallidas I; Yousuf A; Talwar A; Hallifax RJ; Mishra EK; Corcoran JP; Ali N; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

State-of-the-art: Radiological investigation of pleural disease.

Respiratory medicine
2017-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax RJ; Talwar A; Wrightson JM; Edey A; Gleeson FV
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Chest Drain Size: the Debate Continues.

Current pulmonology reports
2017-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax RJ; Psallidas I; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Effectiveness of chemical pleurodesis in spontaneous pneumothorax recurrence prevention: a systematic review.

2016-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax RJ; Yousuf A; Jones HE; Corcoran JP; Psallidas I; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Always Worth Another Look? Thoracic Ultrasonography before, during, and after Pleural Intervention.

Annals of the American Thoracic Society
2016-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Corcoran JP; Psallidas I; Ross CL; Hallifax RJ; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Effect of Opioids vs NSAIDs and Larger vs Smaller Chest Tube Size on Pain Control and Pleurodesis Efficacy Among Patients With Malignant Pleural Effusion: The TIME1 Randomized Clinical Trial.

2015-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Rahman NM; Pepperell J; Rehal S; Saba T; Tang A; Ali N; West A; Hettiarachchi G; Mukherjee D; Samuel J et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Medical thoracoscopy: Survey of current practice-How successful are medical thoracoscopists at predicting malignancy?

Respirology (Carlton, Vic.)
2015-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax RJ; Corcoran JP; Psallidas I; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Diagnostic value of radiological imaging pre- and post-drainage of pleural effusions.

Respirology (Carlton, Vic.)
2015-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Corcoran JP; Acton L; Ahmed A; Hallifax RJ; Psallidas I; Wrightson JM; Rahman NM; Gleeson FV
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Safe site selection for chest drain insertion by trainee physicians - Implications for medical training and clinical practice.

European journal of internal medicine
2015-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Corcoran JP; Hallifax RJ; Talwar A; Psallidas I; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Epidemiology of pneumothorax--finally something solid out of thin air.

2015-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax RJ; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Spontaneous pneumothorax: time to rethink management?

The Lancet. Respiratory medicine
2015-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Bintcliffe OJ; Hallifax RJ; Edey A; Feller-Kopman D; Lee YC; Marquette CH; Tschopp JM; West D; West D; Rahman NM et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

The role of computed tomography in assessing pleural malignancy prior to thoracoscopy.

Current opinion in pulmonary medicine
2015-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Hallifax RJ; Talwar A; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Are we ready to go directly to videothoracoscopic surgery at a first presentation of primary spontaneous pneumothorax?

European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery
2015-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Treasure T; Hallifax RJ; Rahman N
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central

Pleural procedural complications: prevention and management.

Journal of thoracic disease
2015-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Corcoran JP; Psallidas I; Wrightson JM; Hallifax RJ; Rahman NM
Source: Self-asserted source
Rob Hallifax via Europe PubMed Central
Items per page:
Page 1 of 2

Peer review (8 reviews for 3 publications/grants)

Review activity for BMC pulmonary medicine (1)
Review activity for Journal of clinical medicine. (1)
Review activity for Thorax (6)