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Nurse, PhD in Sciences from the Postgraduate Program in Adult Health Nursing at the Nursing School of the University of São Paulo, Master in Nursing from the Associated Postgraduate Program in Nursing UPE/UEPB, specialist in Advanced Life Support Nursing from the Faculty of Nursing Nossa Senhora das Graças of the University of Pernambuco, specialist in Cardiology Nursing from the Nursing Residency Program of the Cardiology Emergency Department Professor Luiz Tavares da Silva PROCAPE/SES-PE, specialist in Perioperative Nursing from Estácio de Sá University. MBA in Health Management from São Camilo University Center. Certified as a specialist in Intensive Care Nursing by the Brazilian Association of Intensive Care Nursing - ABENTI/AMIB. Fellow of the Evidence-Based Clinical Fellowship Program by the Joanna Briggs Institute, Brazil. Clinical Nurse at the Coronary Care Unit of the Hospital das Clínicas of UFMG / EBSERH. Preceptor of the Cardiovascular Health Nursing Residency Program at HC UFMG. Has experience in Nursing, with emphasis on Adult Health Nursing, mainly working on the following topics: nursing, intensive care nursing, perioperative nursing, surgical nursing, surgical center and post-anesthetic recovery, intensive care, ultrasound for nursing, implementation of evidence-based practices. Contact email: | ORCID: | ResearchGate: | Web of Science ResearcherID: I-8957-2014