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Dr. Bhuiyan is currently a Tenured/Associate Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Fordham University, NY City, USA. He is the Director of Dependable and Secure System Research (DependSys) Lab and is affiliated with Fordham Center for Cybersecurity. Prior to that, he worked as an Assistant Professor at Temple University. His research focuses on dependability, cybersecurity, big data, and emerging CPS/IoT applications. Dr. Bhuiyan authored/co-authored over 200 publications including journal/transaction articles, conference proceedings, 08 book chapters, and 03 books. His publication appeared in many prestigious journals, including IEEE TC, IEEE TPDS, IEEE TII, IEEE TDSC, IEEE TITS, IEEE TSUSC, IEEE TETC, IEEE IoT, ACM CS, ACM TAAS, ACM TOSN, INF, INS, JSA, JNCA, and conferences including IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE SECON, IEEE/IFIP DSN, IEEE SRDS, IEEE TrustCom, DCOSS, IEEE MASS, IEEE DASC, and so on.
Dr. Bhuiyan has served as a Lead Guest editor and Associates Editor for key journals including IEEE TII, ACM TOMM, ACM CPS, IEEE IoT-J, Information Sciences, FGCS, ACCESS, JPDC, and MTAP. Nine of his research papers have become the “ESI Highly Cited Papers” and two of them become “Hot Paper” in Computer Science fields. He has also served as the general chair, program chair, workshop chair, publicity chair, TPC member, and reviewer of various international journals/conferences. He is a general chair for IEEE DASC 2020 (Canada) and a program chair for IEEE TrustCom 2020 (China), and IEEE iSCI (China). He has received five Best Paper Awards and the IEEE TCSC Early Career Researcher (2016-2017), the IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award (2018-2020), and Service Award (2019). He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM.
Employment (7)
Education and qualifications (3)
Works (50 of 149)