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I am an Academy Fellow at University of Eastern Finland since 2022, working at the Learning Analytics unit. I obtained my PhD in Telematics Engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). My research interests are learning analytics, game-based learning in engineering and computer science education, among others. I am skilled in quantitative methods that include process and sequence mining, network analysis, complex event processing, and data visualization, which are proven by over 100 publications in the field of learning analytics and education technology as well as workplace achievements.
I am an editor and author of the first methodological book on learning analytics "Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A practical guide using R" (, which has been made available as open access to facilitate newcomers to the field get acquainted with state-of-the-art quantitative methods. I have developed novel methods in the field of learning analytics such as VaSSTra, for the analysis of intensive longitudinal data. I am the PI of two learning analytics research projects: ISILA (EU-funded) and CRETIC (Academy of Finland Fellowship).
I am the world's most published researcher in educational escape rooms according to Scopus, as of 2024. I have have developed the first platform for the creation of educational escape rooms (Escapp), available as open source software, which is used by several international educational institutions for students to acquire hard and soft skills. I have published several other open source software projects for teaching, research, and professional use.