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I did my PhD training at the Institut Pasteur (Paris, France) and received in 2010 my degree from the University Paris-Saclay. In 2010, I joined the laboratory of Professor David Drubin as a post-doctoral fellow at UC Berkeley (USA). In 2014, I returned at the Institut Pasteur (Paris, France) in the team of Dr. Nathalie Sauvonnet in the laboratory of Professor Philippe Sansonetti where I developed organ-on-chip models for studying intestinal infections caused by the pathogen Shigella. In 2020, I joined the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) as a Professor and established the Bioengineering and Microbiology Laboratory at the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai-CAS. In 2022, I joined as a team leader and ATIP/AVENIR laureate the Center for Infection and Immunity of Lille (a unit from CNRS, INSERM, University of Lille, CHU of Lille and the Institut Pasteur of Lille) . I obtained my tenure track position at INSERM the same year.