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Works (3)

Ion core effect on transport characteristics in warm dense matter

Physics of Plasmas
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: T. S. Ramazanov; M. K. Issanova; Ye. K. Aldakul; S. K. Kodanova
Source: check_circle

Higher harmonics in complex plasmas with alternating screening

Physical Review Research
2021-12-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Z. A. Moldabekov; Y. K. Aldakul; N. K. Bastykova; S. Sundar; A. Cangi
Source: check_circle

Melting, freezing, and dynamics of two-dimensional dipole systems in screening bulk media

Physical Review E
2020-09-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Ye. K. Aldakul; Zh. A. Moldabekov; T. S. Ramazanov
Source: check_circle