Personal information
Docteur ès Lettres at the University of Paris VIII-Saint-Denis (France) and in Philosophy at the University of Naples (Italy), Filippo Fimiani is Full Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Salerno, and Director of the Audiovisual Storytelling Lab (LABSAV). Director of the PhD Program in Language Sciences, Society, Politics and Education (SLIPSE) and of the PhD Scool in Sciences + Cultures of the Human (SCU), and delegated by the Dean to the PhD and graduate schools in Humanities, currently he is Director of the PhD Program Political and Communication Sciences (POLICOM).
He was Visiting Professor at the Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales of Paris (EHESS), the University of Paris Diderot Paris 7, of Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès, and at the University of Pau. Member of the Italian Philosofical Society (SFI), of the University Council of Cinema (CUC), of the Italian Society of Aesthetics (SIE), of the Visual Culture Studies Association (VISUS), of the Contemporary Aesthetic Research Center (ESC),
former member of the Center of Research on Arts and Language (CRAL) of the EHESS/CNRS, of the Institute of Arts, Creations, Theories, Aesthetics (ACTE) of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne-CNRS, of the Canter Inter-Critical of Arts and Discourses on Arts (CICADA) at the University of Pau, of the Center The Antique, of the Modern (LAMO) at the University of Nantes, of the networks Atmospheric Spaces. Aura Stimmung Ambiance, currentely Fimiani is member of the International Laboratory for Research in Art (LIRA) of the University Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, of the Center for Image Studies PUNCTUM of the University of Bergamo, of the Society for Research in Video and Filmmaking Therapy (REFIT), and of the network Visual Studies-Rome Network (ViStuRN).
Fimiani is co-editor of Aisthesis, contributing editor of Figures de l’Art. Révue d’Etudes esthétiques and WikiCréation (France), member of the the advisory board of La Part de l’Œil (Belge) and Kaiak. A Philosophical Journal (Italy).
Employment (9)
Education and qualifications (1)
Works (44)