Personal information
Dr. Armand Kablan is Lecturer and Researcher at Université félix Houphouët-Boigny, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (UFHB). His professional background is environmental science, environmental engineering and management of non-profit organizations, with more than 8 years of experience in research and management of projects and programs in the fields of climate change and human security, disaster risk reduction and resilience, vulnerability assessment, urban management, water quality, environmental sanitation, strategic planning, science communication and knowledge management. His Master and PhD research focused on the vulnerability of urban dwellers to climate variability. His Master of Science degree which training language was English, allowed him to have a very advanced level in this international language.
Dr Armand Kablan is also a Postdoc at Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d'Ivoire (CSRS) where he is working on a project entitled "Threshold and new information and communication technologies-based improvement of early warning system related to flood in Abidjan".
Dr. Armand Kablan is currently a Programme Assistant where he assists the Project Manager and the Executive Director in their daily tasks.
Good project developer, manager and supervisor, Dr. Armand Kablan was in the core-team in the implementation of project financed by the African development Bank and entitled “Evaluation-prevision and resilience of Cocody populations to flood risks using a geospatial approach”. He oversaw the vulnerability aspect. Dr. Armand Kablan used to supervise projects such the Volkswagen project at Tiassalé on characterization and valorization of household waste, and on valorization of household biodegrade waste into compost.
Distinguished scientist with a solid background on climate change and human security, Dr. Kablan has recently been admitted as Member of the Advisory Board of the project entitled “Islands of Innovation in Protracted Crises: A New Approach to Building Equitable Resilience from Below”.
Dr Kablan belongs to several learned societies such as: the young scientist of the Integrated Research for Disaster Risk (IRDR), the Global Young Academy (GYA) and the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE). His ongoing project is the establishment of the Ivorian National Young Academy of Science (INYAS).