Personal information


Employment (2)

Ministry of Health and Medical Education: Ardabil, Ardabil, IR

1997-10-01 to present | Anatomical clinical Pathologist (Fatemi Ardabil hospital )
Source: Self-asserted source
mir mehdi chinifroush asl

Ardabil University of Medical Sciences: Ardabil, Ardail , IR

1997-07-07 to present | Assistant professor of pathology (Medical university )
Source: Self-asserted source
mir mehdi chinifroush asl

Education and qualifications (3)

Tehran University of Medical Sciences: Tehran, Tehran, IR

2010-01-10 to 2010-04-01 | Fellow ship of GIT tract pathology (Shari tee Tehran hospital )
Source: Self-asserted source
mir mehdi chinifroush asl

Tabriz University of Medical Sciences: Tabriz, East Azerbaijan, IR

1995-10-01 to 2000-10-01 | Board of speciality of anatomical clinical pathology (pathology)
Source: Self-asserted source
mir mehdi chinifroush asl

Tabriz University of Medical Sciences: Tabriz, East Azerbaijan, IR

1987-10-01 to 1994-10-01 | medicine (Medical university)
Source: Self-asserted source
mir mehdi chinifroush asl