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Dr Maliata Athon Wanga is an Agricultural Scientific Officer with Namibia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR); he completed his PhD in Crop Science (2022) through the University of KwaZulu Natal’s African Centre for Crop Improvement (ACCI) using mutation breeding techniques to develop drought-tolerant sorghum varieties. Wanga is based at Mannheim Crop Research Station, Tsumeb, leading plant breeding and soil moisture and nutrition research programs in the Ministry. He serves as Country Counterpart for the Joint IAEA/FAO Technical Co-operation Project: improving crops for drought resilience and nutritional quality. He is National Focal Points serve as institutional champions within Member States and serve to link interested people or parties with CCARDESA, mobilising content, catalysing relationships, and identifying opportunities for sharing knowledge among stakeholders. His interest is to develop improved crop management for enhanced yield and product quality and believes that coordinated research efforts can lead to improved crop productivity to reduce hunger and poverty.