Personal information
Teresa Cid is Associate Professor of American Studies at the University of Lisbon, School of Arts and Humanities. Her research interests comprise American Modernism, Portuguese-American Studies, Cinema and Popular Culture. Publications include: "Preferring not to: Bartleby’s NO in…Silence!" (Lisboa, 2013), “Walking the Lisbon Night Through with Johnny Guitar” (Lisbon, 2009), “Lively Modernism(s): the Comic Strip as/and Modern American Art” (Bern, 2008), “Fate, Diaspora and the Melody of Storytelling: The Portuguese-American Fado/Blues of Katherine Vaz” (Lisbon, 2007), “Antigas Raízes e Novos Rumos: o fado/blues de Katherine Vaz e a Diáspora Portuguesa nos EUA” (Rio de Janeiro, 2001). She has co-authored Literatura Norte-Americana (Lisbon 1999) and co-edited, among others, Portugal pelo Mundo Disperso (Lisbon, 2013), Narrating the Portuguese Diaspora: Piecing Things Together (New York, 2011), Ceremonies and Spectacles: Performing American Culture (Amsterdam, 2000).
(2014/ June-...). Scientific Coordinator of the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies - CEAUL/ULICES
(2013-...) Director of the Confucius Institute of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) - Individual Excellence Award 2016; CI of the Year Award 2017
(2011/Nov. -2013/July). Vice-Rector of ULisboa
(2008-2011). Member of the General Council of ULisboa
(2008-2014). Director of American Culture Institute, ULisboa
(2007-2015). Coordinator of American Studies, School of Arts and Humanities, ULisboa.
(2009-2011). Director of Languages, Literatures and Cultures undergraduate degree, School of Arts and Humanities, ULisboa.
TEACHING (1974 onwards)
ULisboa - undergraduate courses in American Studies (Literature, Culture, History, Cinema) and post-graduate seminars on American Modernism, Film adaptation of American Fiction works, Representations of Portuguese Americans in Literature and Film/Photography.
Georgetown Univ - undergraduate course on Modernism and the 1920's in the US, cross-listed English Dep. and American Studies Program (Fall semester 1999)
Lectures on American Literature, Tianjin Foreign Studies Univ., China (June 2017)
RESEARCH supervision (2013-2018)
Post-doctoral FCT grantees (3); Doctoral FCT grantees (3); other PhD students (3)
(2017-...) Member of CAE| AINST (National Evaluation Committee) for evaluation of Portuguese higher education institutions, A3ES - Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education
(2014-2015) Member of evaluation panel of FCT Phd and Post-doctoral grants - Literary Studies
(2009-2015). Board Member of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS)
(2012-…). Editorial Board of InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies (IJPDS)
(2011) EAAS Rob Kroes biennial Publication Award referee
(2010-...) Editorial Board of Dedalus, Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada
(2008-…). Fulbright grants referee: University of Lisbon Fulbright Chair in the Humanities; English Teaching Assistant; scholar grants.