Personal information
I studied chemistry at ETH Zurich, where I specialized in analytical an environmental chemistry. After graduating (MSc) in 2008, I started a PhD at the Paul Scherrer Institute in the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, looking at organic acids in Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA) with ion chromatography coupled to a mass spectometry (IC-MS). We also used IC-MS to measure trace amounts of ammonia and amines in the CLOUD project at CERN.
After being awarded my PhD in 2012, I moved to Helsinki, where I worked for two years in the group of Prof. Markku Kulmala, using mass spectrometry for analysis of ions and clusters during particle formation in the CLOUD environmental chamber, as well as in ambient measurements in the boreal forest. I also did field measurements of carbonyl sulfide fluxes.
In 2014 I joined the Air Quality group at the Finnish Meteorological Institute to work on total OH reactivity measurements as well as VOC measurements with gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In the past few years, my work has focused on biogenic VOCs. As of September 2017, I am an Academy Research Fellow with funding the Academy of Finland to develop total ozone reactivity measurements to further study emissions of reactive biogenic VOCs.