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Biologist, professor and scientist in the areas of Environmental Studies, Environmental Education, Environmental Sciences and biological Sciences (in activity). Full Professor at UTFPR - Federal Technological University of Paraná, Campus Curitiba, Department of Chemistry & Biology, Brazil (1990 - 2022). Ph.D. in Education, UDE - Universidad de la Empresa, Montevideo, Uruguay (Recognized as equivalent to the title of Ph.D. in Education by UFRGS - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre - RS). Postdoctoral researcher at PPGEdu - Graduate Program in Education at UFMS - Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. Postdoctoral researcher at PPGECT - Graduate Program in Science and Technology Teaching at UTFPR. Postdoctoral researcher at PPGCult - Graduate Program in Cultural Studies at UFMS. Master of Sciences in Technology & Society by UTFPR, Campus Curitiba. Board-certified Specialist (Brazilian Regional Council of Biology of the seventh Region) in: Environmental Education; Environmental management; Environmental Planning and Management; Ecology; Biogeography; Sanitary and Environmental Biology; Public and School Health; Economic Biology; Hydrobiology. Board-certified Biological Sciences Teaching Specialist (Regional Council of Biology of the third Region). Higher Education Specialist from Tuiuti University of Paraná. Training in Environmental Management by Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft - Hamburg, Germany. Training in Museology (Program “To know museum”) by ENAP - National School of Public Administration. Bachelor of Arts in Biological Sciences from UFPR - Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba. Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education from Claretiano - University Center. International Representative of Brazilian Teachers (International Delegate) at Space Week, NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Space Academy for educators, US Space & Rocket Center. Huntsville, Alabama, USA. Environmental Management Coordinator and Quality Coordinator and Internal Auditor (CEFET-PR / GTZ Project), Federal Center for Technological Education of Paraná and GTZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH (Germany). Implementer and Responsible for NUSMA - Health & Environment Center of UTFPR on Campus Curitiba. HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) certified instructor by UTFPR - Campus Curitiba for the training of employees in the expansion works of REPAR (Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery - Petrobras) in Araucária – PR. Advisor professor of the PDE - Educational Development Program (Cooperation between the State Department of Education of Paraná and UTFPR). Advisor professor of the School & University Project (Cooperation between the Municipal Department of Education of the City of Curitiba and UTFPR). Professional experiences in Education (face-to-face, remote and distance courses): Graduate studies. PPGFCET - Graduate Program in Scientific, Educational and Technological Training at UTFPR (Master's degree and Doctorate degree in Science Teaching), of which I am one of the founders (courses: Science and Environment Teaching; Environment and Education; Elements of Sustainable Development). Higher education, Undergraduate degrees (courses: Environmental Sciences; Environmental Education; Environmental Education Strategies; Sustainable Development; Environment; Environmental Management; Quality and Environmental Management; Ecostrategy; Energy Conservation; Production Relations; Biology; Biology Workshop; Cell Biology and Microbiology; Biology and Histology). High school (courses: Biology; Biology for technical degrees; Occupational Health & Safety). Middle School (course: Science)